Mudae Wiki
"You don't get the things you dream of, you get the things you work for."
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You can transcribe earlier updates from #infos channel in Mudae World.

This page documents the update history as well as future updates to Mudae.

Past Updates[]

March 15, 2021[]

  • The Kakera Tower has been added.
    • The $firstwish, $colormm, $colorpr, $colorll and $colorsl commands have been added to coincide with various Kakera Tower floor types.
  • Light Kakera has been added.
  • The $bonus and $overview commands have been added to list your player bonuses and settings respectively

March 29, 2021[]

  • Due to a request from the publisher Yostar Games Shanghai, characters from the series Azur Lane, Arknights and Mahjong Soul can't be rolled anymore due to monetization. As a result they:
    • will not be removed, but can no longer be rolled, wished, or gain keys in any way.
    • have been removed from all existing bundles and the unclaimed flag (u) and have been added to the Legacy Bundle.
    • can still be liked, traded, exchanged, and divorced.
    • will no longer count their unclaimed characters towards the $left command.
    • cannot be copied with $haremcopy.
    • can now be customized with the $embedcolor command with or without keys.
  • The total amount of custom characters has been raised from 50 to 1000 for all servers.

April 14, 2021[]

  • New slash commands are available as an alternative to some commands.
    • These commands are viewable by typing / and have the same effect as their $-prefix counterparts.
      • However, they are limited to a rate of 2 commands every 5 seconds and require the "Use Slash Commands" Discord permission to work.
        • To offset this, slash roll commands have a doubled time frame to react, an extra +10% chance to spawn a wish, and grant +5% more kakera earned with bronze IV, silver IV, emerald IV, and kakera reactions.
    • The $toggleslash command has been added to coincide with the addition of slash commands.
  • The $wx, $hx, and $mx commands have been added as alternate commands of $w, $h, and $m.
  • The $restoreseries command has been added.

September 4, 2021[]

  • 4143 characters have been added to the bot. They can be viewed here.

September 21, 2021[]

  • A new flag for soulkeys was added: y! (formerly "yd")
    • This flag only displays characters for which you have soulkeys.
    • More soulkeys flags: y!=, y!+, and y!-. Same effects as the existing y=, y+ and y- flags but for soulkeys (see $search flags or Flags).
  • A new flag was added for looking at the list of another user: o!
    • When you use this, all flags are about you instead of the other user. Example: $mmy!o! <user id> will display your soulkeys instead of the other user's soulkeys. Same for x and o flags.
  • x flags don't display legacy characters anymore.
  • Likelist limit was increased from 3000 to 5000.
  • Soulmate list is now unlimited.
  • Option id: use $tsk id, $tsv id and $tsy id to display the user IDs for the corresponding lists.
  • Added the allcommands bundle for the moderation commands $channelrestrict, $channeldeny, $restrict, and $deny (as a shortcut for all the listed command bundles).
  • $toggleplayerpremium (player premium command) to disable your active player premium 1 or 2 in a specific server or instance.

October 12, 2021[]

  • After an outage, $getfc is activated.
    • Use this command one time per server and before October 25 so you can get your compensation of 3 freeclaims for the downtime.
    • Those freeclaims don't expire until you use them with $fc.
    • Type $fcu for more information about your freeclaims: basically type $fc to reset your claim timer (wasted if you don't claim again before the next claim reset).
    • Not available for accounts created or servers/instances that invited Mudae after the near end of the issue.

November 2, 2021[]

  • 2021 Halloween Event
    • For the next two weeks, react on ten custom Halloween-themed cards that can appear while you roll
    • Reacting doesn't use a claim, and multiple people can react to each card
    • Each one awards a global badge and 5 extra rolls for the hour
    • Only one can appear every three hours on each server

November 26, 2021[]

  • The maximum number of official images on characters was updated from 25 still images to 50 still images, and 5 gifs to 10 gifs. This makes the maximum number of images 60 per character.

December 18, 2021[]

  • 4401 characters have been added to the bot. They can be viewed here.
  • $disable overlap limits: +500
  • $sdl limit: 750 -> 1000
  • Maximum custom images: 20 -> 25 (12 gifs max)
  • Keys are also displayed on the footer when $setfooter is active.
  • New ways to search for characters:
    • p flag (to search all characters containing your text query in their name) also works for $top, $ima, $wl, $sdl and $adl (in gamemode 2 only).
    • Multi searching is supported for $mm, $ll, $top, $ima (returns a list), $wl, $sdl and $adl (gamemode 2 only). Use the $ separator for that.
    • To also filter by series within the same command, use the = sign. Example: $fn <Series> = <Note 1> $ <Note 2>
    • You can exclude a term by adding -- in front of it. Example: $fn <Note 1> $ --<Note 2> - Notes containing Note 2 will be excluded from the results. Also works if you add -- in front of a series or a character or a tag to exclude it.
    • Pages, user IDs, usernames and mentions can now be added anywhere in the query as long as they are separated by a $ (not needed for the mention and user IDs). $mm serv <server ID> and $mm update still work the same.
    • Former $im, $ima, $fn and p flag search options have been moved to a new flag: q
      • Inexact search: $ima <Series>$ is now $imaq! <Series>.
      • Exact search: $fn== is now $fnq=
      • Results starting exactly by your query: $ima =<Series> is now $imaq+
      • Results ending exactly by your query: $ima <Series>= is now $imaq-
  • New flag to sort alphabetically: == ($mm abc is removed)
  • If you want to know more about character tags (only available on Mudae's main server for the moment), read everything here.

December 21, 2021[]

  • Multi-searching is changed for $ima. Instead of a list of series:
    • $ima <series 1> $ <series 2> returns all the characters from series 1 and series 2.
    • Searching for at least two bundles returns all the characters belonging to the two bundles at the same time (overlap). $ima& can be used to return all the characters of these bundles instead.
    • Same updates for $imab (series instead of characters). Also, the -- option (exclude) works for $imab.

December 23, 2021[]

  • 2021 Christmas Event
    • For the next two weeks, react on ten custom Christmas-themed cards that can appear while you roll
    • Reacting doesn't use a claim, and multiple people can react to each card
    • Each one awards a global badge and 5 extra rolls for the hour
    • Only one can appear every three hours on each server

January 5, 2022[]

  • Multi-searching is now possible for series when combining other search flags.
    • Example: $mmp <series 1> $ <series 2> = <character 1> <character 2>
  • Permissions-command related:
    • When using $restrict or $deny, the role ID can be anywhere in the command.
    • Typing $setpermission now only displays useful syntax, and there is more indication about this command when using commands. It also supports $noteimg now.
      • This command is used to change specific permissions of some commands, for example $setpermission kakerarefund charowner allows users to use $kakerarefund for themselves only.
  • s flag: You now get a lot less DMs and very long messages don't fail to be sent.
  • Everything revolving around the $exitgame/$exit system has been reworked, but you should barely notice the changes.
  • $customcd syntax has been changed to support the now removed $cdspe1 and $cdspe2 countdown commands.

January 9, 2022[]

  • +1534 mudapins
  • New flags for $mpe and $mp
    • m: only displays the pin IDs you don't have. Example: $mpem
    • o <user id>: when mentioning someone else, it will display all the pins of this user you don't have. Example: $mpeo <UID>
    • $mp supports all the different arguments in the same command (user, page, and pin<number>)

March 8, 2022[]

  • New flag to hide duplicate soulmates: d- ($sld-)
  • d flag works for $pinlikelist
  • $top can display custom characters.
  • Keys database, which has the biggest amount of data by far, is slowly being migrated to increase data compression. As a consequence, the limit of 3000 keys per character doesn't exist anymore.
  • Flags and subcommands are available for slash commands and more slash commands were added. Syntax examples:
    • Instead of $mmwr Re:Zero, the syntax is /mm /wr Re:Zero
    • Instead of $noteseries: the syntax is /note /series Re:Zero$Text
    • This works for regular commands too.
  • Bot updates:
    • Mudae GM will soon use only slash commands, and buttons will replace some ingame commands, as part of the mandatory Discord update of April 30.
    • Mudatest (server bot) is now up to date and is using Discord API v9 so it won't stop working after April 30 for using a deprecated version.
    • Mudae will have more options related to buttons, they won't be restricted to only Mudae World.
  • From now on and for a lot of different reasons, regular image/gifs links and logos will be 99% provided by
    • 10% of the shards already have this update to monitor the exact cost.
    • This doesn't affect custom images, nor how the image suggestions are done. Links can be reverted within 2 minutes if there is an issue.

April 2, 2022[]

  • 4024 characters have been added to the bot. They can be viewed here or by using $mm update.
  • $disablelist limit for Gamemode 1 has been increased by 500.

April 4, 2022[]

  • $togglebuttons: admin command to replace reactions by buttons in your server.
    • Has the following effects:
      • It replaces all Rem & Ram reactions by buttons, as well as all reactions added under the rolls.
      • It removes the concept of high traffic hours (for the command $togglereact and $perstogglereact)
      • It removes the rolls malus when using $togglereact 2 or $perstogglereact 2
    • Contrary to reactions, buttons don't have a delay when they are added.
    • If you still don't see buttons at all or have issues to click them, your Discord app may have not been updated for a year.
    • If a roll doesn't have a button, you can still react manually with an emoji to claim the character. If it has a button, you can only click on the button.
    • In the future, $togglebuttons will be activated by default and pikaleft/pikaright reactions will be replaced by buttons.
    • The cooldown between two $togglereact and $perstogglereact are temporarily disabled so you can test at will these command for buttons.
  • New $rdmimg options:
    • $randomimg gif 1: Gifs are never displayed when you roll.
    • $randomimg gif 2: INSTEAD of displaying a random image, a random gif is displayed if there is any.
    • $randomimg cust 1: Custom images are never displayed when you roll.
    • $randomimg cust 2: INSTEAD of displaying a random image, a custom image is displayed if there is any.
  • v flag now doesn't display the rank numbers.
  • If enabled, $togglewestern and $toggleirl are indicated when using $dld.

Future Updates[]

These updates are things that are either available on the beta version of the bot (Muda-02) or have been mentioned by reputable sources, and may or may not be implemented in the future.


Main article: Tags

Character tags are currently in beta and are being added and refined as time passes. They will likely be implemented once they are used throughout most of the characters in the bot.

Trying to use most tag-related commands on other servers, such as $tag or $alltags, will pull up a message explaining that the feature is not public yet.

Slash Commands[]

Main article: Slash Commands and Buttons

On July 31, 2021, Saya mentioned a potential change coming to bots; by April of 2022, most verified bots will be unable to read message content, unless they perform specific functions such as moderation that requires the bot to be able to read message content.[1] On January 31, 2022, Saya posted that Mudae will be exempt from this change and will still be able to read message content, so it will not rely on Slash Commands for the time being. However, Mudae will be compatible with both the slash command system and normal command system within the next few months. Button implementation and more options for slash commands have been implemented.

Waifus but the World is Saved[]

On November 8, 2021, Saya posted a cryptic message in Mudae World's #list-of-commands:

Step 1: waifus ✅
Step 2: ??? ✅
Step 3: profits ✅
Step 4: early 2022
Step 5 to 9: ???
Step 10: waifus but the world is saved

At the present time it is unclear what this refers to; however, it may hint towards a future update of Mudae.

Step 4 was changed at a later date to simply say "2022" instead of "early 2022".


