Slash commands are a built-in type of command introduced by Discord and used by a number of bots, including Mudae. Only two commands can be sent every five seconds; however, they help with the bot's overall Discord traffic.
Buttons are interactive components that can be used on rolls; they replace reactions. They can be turned on using the command $togglebuttons. Buttons are mandatory for all non-rolls.
- Note: The situation regarding slash commands on Mudae is subject to change, and the wiki is maintained by volunteers. For the most up-to-date information, visit Mudae World, the official Discord server, or use the command $info slash in your server.
Slash commands[]
The following bonuses apply to all rolls made using slash commands:
- 10% bonus kakera
earned from the following interactions:
- Reacting to kakera (all types)
- Bronze IV
bonus (claiming a character you wished)
- Emerald IV
bonus (claiming any character)
- 10% wish spawn (in addition to existing bonuses)
- 2x time to react (as long as nobody floods too much between your rolls) - default time to react can be changed with $settimer
You can view how long your server has to react normally by viewing $settings. Slash commands have twice as long, and the default is 30 seconds.
The kakera bonus does not apply to /dk, gold keys bonus ($bku), or other slash commands not listed here.
Commands with slash equivalents[]
Not all commands have a slash equivalent, but the ones that do can be viewed by typing / and viewing the list.
This list is incomplete.
- Most rolls: /mx, /ma, /mg, /hx, /ha, /hg, /wx, /wa, /wg
Note: Slash commands cannot be one letter, so "x" is used to mean both animanga and game roulettes. - Basic character and series lookup: /im, /ima
- Harem/personal: /mm, /sortmarry, /note, /profile
- Wishing: /wish, /wl
- Like-related: /like, /ll
- All timers: /tu
- Kakera: /kakera, /dk
- Daily: /daily, /rolls
- Ranking: /top, /topserv
- Settings: /overview, /settings
- Help: /help, /commandsearch
- Roll a pokemon: /pokeslot
The commands $mb, $hb, and $wb are not implemented due to the limitations on the # of slash commands and their similarity to the "x" rolls.
Bots can have 100 slash commands each, with 25 subcommands per command.
To turn off slash command suggestions, right click the text box, choose Suggestions, and uncheck Slash Commands.
When using buttons, the functionality of $togglereact and $perstogglereact is changed. Reactions are replaced by buttons, and using $togglereact 2 or $perstogglereact 2 (which adds reactions below all rolls) will no longer result in a rolls penalty. Additionally, there will be no penalty during high traffic hours.
Rolls without reactions will not have buttons unless a different togglereact/perstogglereact is used (for example, if $perstogglereact 1 is used).
If you're having problems with slash commands (/) check that:
- A role of the players has permission to "Use slash commands"
- The channel has permission to "Use slash commands"
- Discord is updated
- Check Settings > Text&Images > Text Box > Emoji Previews (BETA) is active.
- If emojis aren't showing, you need to give the permission "Use external emojis" to the role "everyone" in your channel
Buttons are still a work in progress; if you have an issue, please report it in Mudae World.
For additional help, please visit #questions-and-issues on the Mudae World server (click here to join).
Change History[]
Date | Update |
April 14, 2021 |
April 15, 2021 |
April 22, 2021 |
March 8, 2022 | Subcommands and flags were integrated into the slash commands system. |
April 4, 2022 | $togglebuttons was added. |
August 30, 2022 |