Mudae Wiki

Rollsdae World is a second server that (circ. 3rd of October update, 2020) shares information with the Mudae World server, acting in the same way as the server's additional channels would during an update. It also holds the second instance of Mudae World, which uses gamemode 2, resets every few months, and offers rewards for the top players.

All rules from the main server apply here, plus:

  • Rolls channels were previously only open for a certain time (usually during the first two days following a character update). However, the channels have since been opened indefinitely.
  • Everything is synced with the main server: the only purpose is to avoid the server lags occurring when too many people are active on the main server.
  • You must be a member of the main server to play on this server. Users banned on the main server are not welcome here and will be banned if they are found.
  • If you are not on the main server, your claims appear on the list of $leftusers from the main server (and are divorced without any warning).

Rollsdae World sections:[]


Channel Notes
#rules Contains the information from the introductory paragraph
#changelogs Where server changes are announced. Changes are announced on the 1st Sunday of the month, and Instance 1 take effect on the 2nd Sunday of the month. Instance 2 changes do not take effect until the next season
#game-news-i1 Announcements for Instance 1
#game-news-i2 Announcements for Instance 2
#roles To get ping roles for divorces, i1 news, and i2 news


Channel Notes
#rollsdae-feedback For feedback relating to the server
#rollsdae-feedback-discussion For discussion related to feedback in order to avoid clogging the above channel
#rollsdae-polls For users and mods to create polls about the server
#emoji-suggestions Where users can suggest emojis to be voted on

No Rolls Instance 1[]

Channel Notes
#kakera-bonus Where Kukuu bot's kakera bonus is rerolled
#i1-chat General chat for i1
#chaos-tickets Where users spend Chaos Tickets from events to get keys on i1 characters
#custom-pics Where users submit custom pictures for i1 their characters
#custom-review-request Where users can submit customs for review and get approval

Rolls Instance 1[]

Channel Notes
#rolls-1 to #rolls-28
#rolls-sim-rolls Formerly #rolls-no-rolls
#rolls-yes-rolls Formerly #rolls-no-rolls
#rolls-oui-rolls Formerly #rolls-no-rolls
#trade-channel-1 through #trade-channel-3 All commands are allowed here except rolling

No Rolls Instance 2[]

Channel Notes
#i2-chat General chat for i2
#long-quest-reacts Where players submit their profile ($pr) before the season to log their number of kakera reacts for long quests that involve reacting to kakera
#quest-bot-flood A flood channel for Kukuu commands. This channel started receiving much less traffic once Kukuu bot was opened to all the i2 flood channels.

Rolls Instance 2[]

Channel Notes
#rolls-1b through #rolls-27b #rolls-16b through #rolls-27b were added at the start of i2 Season 21
#rolls-63b Most likely numbered for Soulborg63
#rolls-nice-rollsb Formerly #flood-nice-rollsb
#rolls-ok-rollsb Named after Rammus' line from League of Legends. It was added at the start of i2 Season 21
#rolls-yes-rollsb Formerly #flood-yes-rollsb
#trade-channel-1b through #trade-channel-3b All commands are allowed here except rolling and pokeslot


Channel Notes
#rolls-ufg Users can roll up-for-grabs forms with Kukuu bot with !ufg

Salons Vocaux[]

Contains one voice channel called "Rolls".

Instance 2[]

Mudae World's Instance 2, which takes place in this server, has a full reset every two months and has various specific rules.

Note that the rules and information on it are kept in Mudae World, the main server.


  • Harems are limited to 100 characters.
  • Any attempt to cheat, alt, or break other rules also affects the first instance, and will result in a ban and full divorce without warning.
  • You are disqualified from the season ladders if you receive 3 or more characters from unfair trades during the period.

Unfair trades are defined as any trade that violates any of the following conditions:

  • The sum of base kakera value must be within 80% or 125%
  • The total difference in keys must not be above 5.
  • The difference in the number of characters traded must not exceed 1 (eg: 1v2, 2v3, 3v4...)
  • You mustn't have traded within the last 10 hours.


There are a few different ways you can get rewards from this instance. Kakera rewards are given to the first instance.

Long Quests[]

Long quests are given at the start of the season. They usually consist of tasks that can be completed by actively playing, such as obtaining a certain number of keys, kakera reacts, characters, etc.


Quests are given out multiple times during the season, and last a few days. These quests have more unusual criteria compared to Long Quests, such as rolling a number of claimed characters in a row, spawning your own wish but not claiming it, and trading characters to Mudamaid2.

Random rewards[]

After the period, a number (usually 40-60) different winning characters will be randomly selected. To select them, characters will be rolled until a claimed one appears. Characters from all roulette are selected in equal numbers (ex: 10 $wa, 10 $wg, 10 $ha, 10 $hg).

# of characters # of characters per roulette Rewards (for each)
Kakera Kakera Premium credits Character suggests
4 1 each 100,000 20 2
8 2 each 75,000 10 1
12 3 each 50,000 5 0
16 4 each 0 5 0

$tsk ladder[]

This ladder rewards those who have earned the most kakera over the period.

Rank Rewards (for each)
Kakera Kakera Premium credits Character suggests
1 100,000 20 5
2 50,000 15 4
3 30,000 10 3
4 20,000 5 2
5 10,000 0 1

$tsv ladder[]

This ladder rewards those who have the top harem kakera values.

Rank Rewards (for each)
Kakera Kakera Premium credits Character suggests
1 100,000 20 5
2 50,000 15 4
3 30,000 10 3
4 20,000 5 2
5 10,000 0 1

Past seasons[]

All seasons started and ended at 2PM UTC.

Season Start date End date
1 April 26th, 2020 June 25th, 2020
2 June 27th, 2020 August 26th, 2020
3 August 30th, 2020 October 30th, 2020
4 November 1st, 2020 January 2nd, 2021
5 January 6th, 2021 March 7th, 2021
6 March 10th, 2021 May 10th, 2021
7 May 12th, 2021 July 12th, 2021
8 July 15th, 2021 September 15th, 2021
9 September 18th, 2021 November 18th, 2021
10 November 21st, 2021 January 20th, 2022
11 January 23rd, 2022 March 24th, 2022
  • The unfair trade rule was implemented in Season 7. A few unfair trades were not flagged by the bot, which ultimately resulted in a tie between the top two winners.
  • Starting in Season 8, the number of suggests given out was heavily reduced. Previously, random character rewards gave 5/4/3/2 suggests depending on the tier (now 2/1/0/0). The $tsk and $tsv ladders used to give 10/5/4/3/2 each (now 5/4/3/2/1).

