Mudae Wiki
"You don't get the things you dream of, you get the things you work for."
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You can find relevant polls in the #polls channel by searching various key words like "YB", "approved swap", "comm poll", etc.

Characters may be replaced for a number of reasons, including:

  • The character is a duplicate of one already in the bot
  • The character is a species, not an individual
  • The character cannot be considered sentient
  • The character is too minor in their series (for example, being unnamed with no plot significance)

Swaps must be approved by YB and are often community polled for subjective cases or to decide who the replacement is. Replacements are generally chosen from the same series and should also be the same gender.

This article is outdated. An up-to-date list of swaps starting from January 2023 can be found here: character swap log.



This section may contain spoilers for the following series: Danganronpa franchise
  • Alter Ego Junko, suggested under Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair. Removed due to not being considered an independent character, and being considered a spoiler.
    • Replaced by Taehime Uozumi
  • Bakugou's Friend, suggested under Boku no Hero Academia. Removed on the basis of having low plot significance and limited/poor quality images.
    • Replaced by Giran
  • Ball Monokuma, suggested under Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls.
    • Replaced by Soushun Murasame
  • Emo-haired Boy, suggested under Boku no Hero Academia. Removed on the basis of having low plot significance and limited/poor quality images.
    • Replaced by Re-Destro
  • Log Head, suggested under Boku no Hero Academia. Removed on the basis of having low plot significance and limited/poor quality images.
    • Replaced by Gunhead
  • Lego Joker, suggested under Lego Batman (no longer a series). Removed on the basis of being a rendition too similar to regular Joker alongside the fact that other DC characters generally had their LEGO versions as alternative images.
  • Jay (PP), suggested under Puyo Puyo. Merged with Elle (PP) on the basis that they were a symbiotic pair.
    • One was replaced by Yu & Rei
    • The other would become Jay & Elle
  • Black Sig, also known as Dark Sig, suggested under Puyo Puyo. Removed and moved to Sig on the basis that it was the same character.
    • Replaced by Ocean Prince
  • Sheogorath (TESV), suggested under The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Removed on the basis that it is the same character as the one from previous entries in the series.
    • Replaced by Mehrunes Dagon
  • Miku (PS:CS), suggested under Project Sekai: Colorful Stage!. Removed on the basis of it being a dupe of Hatsune Miku.
    • Replaced by Shizuku Hinomori
  • Mia Townsend, suggested under Need for Speed: Most Wanted (no longer a series). Removed on the basis of the only available images of her being IRL.
    • Replaced by Eva Torres
  • Editor-in-chief, suggested under Boku no Hero Academia. Removed on the basis of her having too little screen-time.
    • Replaced by Bibimi Kenranzaki
  • Mogeko, suggested under Mogeko Castle. Removed on the basis of it being a species.
    • Replaced by Mogecuckoo.
  • Mountain Bandit suggested under One Piece. Removed on the basis of it being a no-name background character.
    • Replaced by Douglas Bullet.
  • Harp Note suggested under Mega Man Star Force. Removed on the basis of her being a dupe of Sonia Strumm.
    • Replaced by Lyra (MMSF).
  • Saness suggested under Undertale AU (no longer a series). Removed on the basis of it being an obscure fan character.
    • Replaced by W.D. Gaster.
  • Bobby suggested under We Happy Few. Removed on the basis of it being a species.
    • Replaced by Chief Inspector Peters.
  • Sakuyamon (ReArise) suggested under Digimon ReArise. Removed on the basis of it being a species and irrelevant to the game it was featured in.
    • Replaced by Bastemon.
  • Poro suggested under League of Legends. Removed on the basis of it being a species.
    • Replaced by Poro King.
  • Tropical Forest, suggested under TF World. Removed for being a Sonic OC with no story.
  • Plugg, suggested under Kirby (Bundle). Removed due to it being a species.
    • Replaced by Queen Sectonia.
  • Flying Man, suggested under Earthbound Beginnings. Removed due to it being a species.
    • Replaced by Teddy
  • Dango Mitarai, suggested under 4shi Mitarai Dango Collection (no longer a series). Removed due to it not being an actual character.
    • Replaced by Anten-sama
  • Kulve Taroth, suggested under Monster Hunter: World. Removed due to it being a species.
    • Replaced by Moofy
  • Brian O'Conner, suggested under Fast & Furious. Removed due to the character only having fan-art available.
    • Replaced by Letty Ortiz
  • Luke Hobbs, suggested under Fast & Furious. Removed due to the character only having fan-art available.
    • Replaced by Roman Pearce
  • Pamela Ibis (MK), suggested under Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis. Removed due to it being an alternate version of a character already in the bot.
    • Replaced by Muppy Oktavia Vonderchek VIII
  • Every normal Boo suggested under Luigi's Mansion. Likely removed for several reasons.
    • The Boos were suggested by a user who alted.
    • Though they had unique names, they were all identical to each other in terms of appearance.
    • Overwhelmed a series that had the opportunity to instead contain otherwise unique characters.
      • Each was swapped to include the portrait ghosts from Luigi's Mansion, as well as the various characters that debuted in Luigi's Mansion 3.
  • Dire (Fortnite), suggested under Fortnite. Removed due to it being a skin of Jonesy.
    • Replaced by Fishstick (Fortnite)
  • Nokia's Agumon, suggested under Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth. Removed due to it being a dupe of a different character.
    • Replaced by Agumon (DS)
  • Ankimo, suggested under TAS Force (no longer a series). Removed because it is an obscure character with no name. Worth noting that the series it was suggested under was not actually a series either, instead being the name of a speed-running show that featured the game this character appeared in.
    • Replaced by Wayne Gretzky


January 2020[]

  • Six different one-off Nurse Joys were removed under the premise that they, despite being human characters, were no different than Pokémon species spam.

June 2020[]

  • Green's Charizard from Pokémon Adventures. Removed on the basis that it was less unique than the other Charizards.
    • Replaced by Charizard (SSB)
    • Later swapped back into Mudae in September 2021

August 2020[]

  • Rainer's Vaporeon from Pokémon: Indigo League. Removed due to lack of screen-time and limited image potential.
    • Replaced by Kuni's Vaporeon.
  • Damon's Gothitelle from Pokémon the Movie: Black - Victini and Reshiram/White - Victini and Zekrom (no longer a series). Removed to instead feature a more notable member of its species.
    • Replaced by Caitlin's Gothitelle.

September 2020[]

October 2020[]

  • Damon's Reuniclus, suggested under Pokémon the Movie: Black - Victini and Reshiram/White - Victini and Zekrom (no longer a series). Removed to instead feature a more notable member of its species due to limits placed on Pokémon species character additions.
    • Replaced by Caitlin's Reuniclus.

December 2020[]


April 2021[]

  • Cash (CBFD) from Conker's Bad Fur Day. Removed for being a species.
    • Replaced by Don Weaso.
  • Rhythm Girl (Tengoku) from Rhythm Heaven. She was merged with Rhythm Girl (Fever) to become simply Rhythm Girl, and the Tengoku variant became another main character from the series.
    • Replaced by Yagura.
  • A number of characters from Five Nights at Freddy's: High School, a controversial web animation series based on Five Nights at Freddy's. The characters were removed for being fan-made humanized variants of various characters in the Five Nights at Freddy's series but with slightly different names. They were replaced with characters from an accepted Five Nights at Freddy's fanwork which was already in the bot, Five Nights at Candy's.
    • Fred (FHS) was replaced by Shadow Candy
    • Felix (FHS) was replaced by Cindy the Cat
    • Freddy (FHS) was replaced by The Cat (FNaC)
    • Bonnie (FHS) was replaced by Monster Rat (FNaC)
    • Bon (FHS) was replaced by Old Candy

May 2021[]

  • Bort (Man) from The Simpsons. Removed for being a background character that only appears for a few seconds in one episode.
    • Replaced by Sanjay Nahasapeemapetilon
  • Bort's Mother from The Simpsons. Removed for being a background character that only appears for a few seconds in one episode.
    • Replaced by Sarah Wiggum
  • Sumo Chicken from Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout. Removed for being an unnamed character that only appears in the game trailer and doesn't exist in the actual game.
    • Replaced by The Chicken (BC)

July 2021[]

  • Girl from AAST from Hametsu no Mars. Removed for being an unnamed character who dies in the beginning of the series.
    • Replaced by Aoi Kurita

August 2021[]

  • Ying'er from Genshin Impact. Removed for being a minor NPC. Occurred during pre-update.
    • Replaced by Moon Carver

September 2021[]

  • Shadow Sister Cookie from Cookie Run. Removed for apparently not being a unique NPC.
    • Replaced by Raspberry Cookie

October 2021[]


January 2022[]

  • Guzma's Scizor from Pokémon Sun/Moon. Removed as a result of a community poll focused on optimizing which Scizor is represented in the bot.
    • Replaced by Goh's Scizor

February 2022[]

  • Misty's Golduck from Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands. Removed as a result of a community poll due to technically being a wild Pokémon that was befriended for a single episode.
    • Replaced by Green's Golduck
  • Elma's Roserade from Pokémon the Series: XY. Removed as a result of a community poll focused on optimizing which Roserade is represented in the bot.
    • Replaced by Gardenia's Roserade
  • Lusamine's Mismagius from Pokémon Sun/Moon. Removed as a result of a community poll focused on optimizing which Mismagius is represented in the bot.
    • Replaced by Fantina's Mismagius

July 2022[]

September 2022[]

  • Clark Newman from Molly of Denali. Removed for being a guy who only appeared in a picture for a couple of seconds, only suggested as he looked like Arataka Reigen from Mob Psycho.
    • Replaced by Molly Mabray


February 2023[]

  • Sneakers O'Toole from Family Guy. Removed due to a rule banning the suggestion of cutaway characters, to make better use of the one cutaway character who was already in by replacing them with a more iconic character.
    • Replaced by Hummer Guy


Notable Exceptions[]

  • Creeper from Minecraft: Added early on enough that the species rule had not yet been enacted, and garnering high enough ranks that it would be difficult to replace, this is a rare example of overlooking other rules (mostly for the sake of everyone's sanity).
  • Bioshock's Big Daddy and Little Sister: Two characters also added before the "species rule" was heavily enforced. The two have likely not been removed due to their significance in the franchise and popularity within the community.
  • Bioshock 2's Big Sister: Another species likely kept for the same reason as the previous two Bioshock entries.