Ranking |
Ranking is the primary popularity system used in Mudae. It is a global system divided up into two ways to measure the popularity of characters, claim ranks and like ranks.
Claim ranks were introduced in October 2018, and likes were introduced in April 2019.
About ranks[]
Claim ranking is based on the first 10 characters in each active user's harem ($mm). Other characters in a user's harem are not counted. Users should use $sortmarry to put their ten favorite characters first.
Like ranks are determined by the global number of likes for each character ($like). Users must have voted at least once for the bot on top.gg using $vote to be eligible to use this.
Only users who have claimed something in the last three months have their claims and likes[1] count towards global ranking.
A character's ranks are used to calculate Kakera value, along with the number of keys it has and the number of characters claimed on the server.
- $top: Ladder of characters by ranks. See $s flags or Flags to filter it further.
- Server ladders
- $topserv: Shows the sum of the top 15 claim ranked characters in each user on the server's harem. The sum is of the ranks of the first 15 characters that appear for $mmr; users with less than 15 characters are not on the ladder. The lowest possible sum is 120 (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15).
- $topservl: The same as above, but for like ranks.
- Show ranks during rolls (mod commands)
- $toggleclaimrolls
- $togglelikerolls
- Search for a specific rank
- $top #rank: Search for a specific character rank. $top #1500
- $topl #rank: Search for a specific character like rank.
- Also works for searching within roulettes: $topwa #rank, $topha #rank, $topwg #rank, $tophg #rank
- Disable characters based on claim rank (Gamemode 2 only)
- $limroul
- Display whether claims or likes are used for calculating kakera value (mod commands; removing both from the calculations will result in all characters having a value of 0 )
- $togglekakeraclaim
- $togglekakeralike
- Disable ranks for your server (mod commands; this removes mention of the system entirely)
- $toggleclaimrank
- $togglelikerank
For more information, see Flags.
- r: claim ranks
- r-: claim ranks not sorted
- l: like ranks
- l-: like ranks not sorted
- rl: claim ranks and like ranks averaged
The rl flag averages the claim ranks and likes, making some characters appear like they are ranked the same. However, the bot will use, but not display, decimals to decide who goes first; for example, if one character has an average of 10.1 and the other has an average of 10.2, the first character would be first even though they would both show the same rank.
Rank History[]
Claim Ranks[]
The following list shows the top 10 characters by claim ranks on the first day of each month. For day-to-day claim ranks, see the following pages:
Date | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
2018 | ||||||||||
2018/10/18 | ||||||||||
2018/11/01 | ||||||||||
2018/12/01 | ||||||||||
2019 | ||||||||||
2019/01/01 | ||||||||||
2019/02/01 | ||||||||||
2019/03/01 | ||||||||||
2019/04/01 | ||||||||||
2019/05/01 | ||||||||||
2019/06/01 | ||||||||||
2019/07/01 | ||||||||||
2019/08/01 | ||||||||||
2019/09/01 | ||||||||||
2019/10/01 | ||||||||||
2019/11/01 | ||||||||||
2019/12/01 | ||||||||||
2020 | ||||||||||
2020/01/01 | ||||||||||
2020/02/01 | ||||||||||
2020/03/01 | ||||||||||
2020/04/01 | ||||||||||
2020/05/01 | ||||||||||
2020/06/01 | ||||||||||
2020/07/01 | ||||||||||
2020/08/01 | ||||||||||
2020/09/01 | ||||||||||
2020/10/01 | ||||||||||
2020/11/01 | ||||||||||
2020/12/01 | ||||||||||
2021 | ||||||||||
2021/01/01 | ||||||||||
2021/02/01 | Chika Fujiwara
| |||||||||
2021/03/01 | Mikasa Ackerman
| |||||||||
2021/04/01 | Mikasa Ackerman |
2021/05/01 | Mikasa Ackerman |
Hange Zoë |
2021/06/01 | Mikasa Ackerman |
Hange Zoë |
2021/07/01 | Mikasa Ackerman |
Hange Zoë |
2021/08/01 | Mikasa Ackerman |
Hange Zoë |
2021/09/01 | Mikasa Ackerman |
Hange Zoë |
2021/10/01 | Mikasa Ackerman |
Hange Zoë |
2021/11/01 | Mikasa Ackerman |
Hange Zoë |
2021/12/01 | Mikasa Ackerman |
Hange Zoë |
2022 | ||||||||||
2022/01/01 | Mikasa Ackerman |
Hange Zoë |
2022/02/01 | Mikasa Ackerman |
Hange Zoë |
2022/03/01 | Mikasa Ackerman |
Hange Zoë |
2022/04/01 | Mikasa Ackerman |
Hange Zoë |
2022/05/01 | Mikasa Ackerman |
Hange Zoë |
2022/06/01 | Mikasa Ackerman |
Hange Zoë |
Like Ranks[]
The following list shows the top 10 characters by like ranks. Note that like rank history could not be retrieved for every first day of the month.
Date | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
2019 | ||||||||||
2019/05/23 | ||||||||||
2019/06/03 | ||||||||||
2019/07/02 | ||||||||||
2019/08/02 | ||||||||||
2019/09/03 | ||||||||||
2019/10/01 | ||||||||||
2019/11/01 | ||||||||||
2019/12/01 | ||||||||||
2020 | ||||||||||
2020/01/01 | ||||||||||
2020/02/01 | ||||||||||
2020/03/05 | ||||||||||
2020/04/02 | ||||||||||
2020/05/03 | ||||||||||
2020/06/02 | ||||||||||
2020/07/01 | ||||||||||
2020/08/01 | ||||||||||
2020/09/03 | ||||||||||
2020/10/01 | ||||||||||
2020/11/02 | ||||||||||
2020/12/01 | ||||||||||
2021 | ||||||||||
2021/01/01 | ||||||||||
2021/02/01 | ||||||||||
2021/03/01 | Levi |
2021/04/01 | Levi |
2021/05/01 | Levi |
Mikasa Ackerman |
2021/06/01 | Levi |
Mikasa Ackerman |
2021/07/01 | Levi |
Mikasa Ackerman |
2021/08/03 | Levi |
Mikasa Ackerman |
2021/09/04 | Levi |
Mikasa Ackerman |
2021/10/02 | Levi |
Mikasa Ackerman |
2021/11/01 | Levi |
Mikasa Ackerman |
2021/12/01 | Levi |
Mikasa Ackerman |
2022 | ||||||||||
2022/01/02 | Levi |
Mikasa Ackerman |
2022/02/07 | Levi |
Mikasa Ackerman |
2022/03/09 | Levi |
Mikasa Ackerman |
2022/04/02 | Mikasa Ackerman |
Levi |
2022/05/01 | Mikasa Ackerman |
Levi |
2022/06/01 | Mikasa Ackerman |
Levi |
- The bot's creator Saya said on 2020/03/13 that the difference between the two most liked characters, Zero Two and Rem, has been close to 1% for a year.[2] On 2020/12/30, Saya said that Zero Two had over 10,000 more likes than Rem.[3]
- On 2020/02/06, Saya put up a community poll, asking if people wanted the rankings of husbandos to be artificially boosted by 1.4x so that they could compete with waifus.[4] Though the poll had more upvotes than downvotes, Saya did not implement it, saying, "Such a change needs at least 90% of upvotes."[5]
Change History[]
Date | Update |
October 18, 2018 | Ranking was released. Ranks could be viewed by $im-ing the character. |
October 23, 2018 |
December 8, 2018 | The command $imar was added. |
January 27, 2019 | The command $top #<number> was added. |
April 17, 2019 | Like ranking was introduced. |
May 23, 2019 | $top was changed to show Top 1000. |
July 18, 2019 | The commands $toggleclaimrolls and $togglelikerolls were added to show claims/likes when rolling. |
February 6, 2020 | Users are now considered inactive after not playing for 3 months, not 1 year. |
Features | |
Help | Characters · Commands · Mudae · Rolls · Wishes · Trading · Divorce · Disable · Flags · FAQs · Tutorials · Update History |
Features | Ranking (2018 · 2019 · 2020 · 2021 · 2022 · Likes) · Gamemodes · Profile · Badges · Custom Characters · Permissions · Instances · Presets · Premium |
Kakera & Keys | Kakera (Reactions · Values · Spawn) · Kakera Badges (Prices) · Kakera Tower (Prices · Towers · Perks · Double Keys) · Kakera Loots (Mudapins · Wishprotect Levels · Quantity & Quality) · Keys · Soulmates · Boost (Kakera · Wish) |
Games | Pokéslot · Tea · MudaQuiz · Jan-ken-pon · Arena (Mudae GM) |