Mudae Wiki
Mudae Wiki

On Mudae, your profile is an overview of information about your progress on the server. It can be viewed by using the command $profile, or just $pr.



Still Single

The image that shows when you haven't married anybody.

This section lists your total harem size, as well as a gendered breakdown. The embedded picture next to it will be the image you have set for your $firstmarry using $changeimg. If you haven't married anybody, it will display this picture of Hiro from Darling in the FranXX with the text "Still Single".


One of the few sections of your profile that is global and will show up on every server. Your Pokédex lists your total number of collected Pokémon from the Pokéslot, as well as a few icons of your collected Pokémon.

By default, it will show the first Pokémon you won, but you can change which ones appear by using the command $pokeprofile to display up to 12 of your choice.


This section will show your current level in Waifuarena. It is also global and will show up even on servers without Mudae GM.


This section displays how many kakera of each type you've reacted to under claimed rolls.

Note: When kakera was first introduced, some of the first kakera you reacted to may not be included in this total.


This section simply displays your total current amount of kakera.


This section shows the total number of each type of key you have on your characters. When summed up, it is the same number that appears on $tsyt (the leaderboard for total number of keys). A character with nine keys, for example, would contribute two bronze keys Bronze Key, three silver keys Silver Key, and four gold keys Gold Key to this section.


Shows your total progress in the Kakera Tower by displaying an emoji(s) with the corresponding number.


Shows how many Mudapins you have collected through kakera loots.


In this section, you can display up to 34 of the various badges you've earned, from Kakera Badges, to seasonal or event badges, to Mudapins. You can view all of your existing badges with the command $badge, and view your mudapins by using the command $mudapin.

Using the command $profilebadge ($pb), you can write the names of badges you want to display. You can also add badges to your profile using $pbadd, insert badges to a certain position using $pbpos, or remove badges using $pbrem or $pbremall for all. Return to the default using $pbnone.

The badges section is unique in that you can display the same section up to five times on your profile. Many people use the badges to give their profile a more interesting look.

Note that some badges are global, like Mudae's 3rd Birthday, and some are not, like Mudae's 1st Birthday. Whether a badge is global affects which servers you'll be allowed to display it on.



The command $profilearrange or simply $pa can be used to arrange the above sections on your profile in whatever way you'd like.

The default profile would be expressed like $profilearrange harem pokedex arena jump reacts mudapins kakera jump keys jump badges, but you can change the categories and the order in whichever way you'd like, or even remove categories. You can use the word jump to signify a linebreak.


You can change the embed color of your profile to any hex color using the command $colorpr, which is unlocked by the 12th perk of the Kakera Tower on the first tower.


  • You can view your profile from any other server that has Mudae by adding the server ID. For example, your profile on Mudae World could be accessed on any other server by doing the command $pr serv 435763044120002561. To view a profile in Instance 2, you can write $pr serv 435763044120002561.2 (add .2 to the end).

