Premium are the benefits gained from subscribing to Saya on Patreon or Discord directly. There are two versions, Player Premium and Server Premium, with different tiers for each.
All information about premium can also be viewed with the command $s info premium.
Player Premium[]
Player Premium I[]
- Cost: $5/Month
For 30 days, per user ID (all your servers):
- +8 rolls per hour
- +5% kakera from reacts, divorces, badges bonuses and $dk
- +1 $mk per hour, command to force the spawn of a kakera
- +18 wishlist slots
- $dailykakera available every 10 hours (instead of 20 hours)
- For Gamemode 1 (default): $disablelist increased capacity: +40 series and +5000 maximum overlap (25,000 characters instead of 20,000)
- For Gamemode 2: limits lowered by 10% ($limroul 6300 6300 3600 3600)
- Access to $wishseries, command that let you wish up to 5 entire series (not affected by kakera perks)
- +1 slot for the $preset lists
- You can disable your player premium in specific servers or instances with $toggleplayerpremium
- Patreon T1 role in Mudae's main server (role removed at the same time as your pledge)
Player Premium II[]
- Cost: $10/month
For 30 days, per user ID (all your servers):
- All Player Premium I features
- +2 rolls (for a total of +10)
- +1 $mk (for a total of +2)
- +10% kakera from reacts, divorces, badges bonuses and $dk (for a total of +15%)
- +5 wishlist slots (for a total of +23)
- For Gamemode 2: limits lowered by 20% ($limroul 5600 5600 3200 3200)
- +5 $wishseries slots (for a total of 10, not affected by kakera perks)
- +1 slot for the $preset lists (for a total of +3)
- Access to $haremcopy, command that let you copy your harem from a server to another (globally limited to one use per premium month).
- Access to $kakeracopy, command that let you copy your kakera, kakeraloots and event badges from a server to another (globally limited to one use per premium month).
- You can disable your player premium in specific servers or instances with $toggleplayerpremium
- Patreon T2 role in Mudae's main server (role removed at the same time as your pledge)
Player Premium III[]
- Cost: $20/month
For 30 days, per user ID (all your servers):
- All Player Premium II features
- +5 rolls (for total of +15)
- +2 $mk (for a total of +4)
- +10% kakera from reacts, divorces, badges bonuses and $dk (for a total of +25%)
- +7 wishlist slots (for a total of +30)
- +1 token for $haremcopy and $kakeracopy (for total of 2)
- $dailykakera available every 7 hours (instead of 10 hours)
- Patreon T4 role in Mudae's main server (role removed at the same time as your pledge)
Note: For both $haremcopy and $kakeracopy, the receiving server must HAVE INVITED MUDAE FOR THE FIRST TIME DURING THE LAST 30 DAYS or Server Premium III with $removecopylimit, and the owner of the reception server must confirm the command.
Server Premium[]
Server Premium I[]
- Cost: $5/month
For 30 days and one server:
- Improved $setclaim (admin command). Use $setclaim 120 to allow everyone in your server to claim every 2 hours.
- Improved $setrolls (admin command). +2 rolls max for everyone in your server: use $setrolls 15 (or $setrolls 13 if in Gamemode 2)
- Improved $setrare (admin command). Use $setrare 6 if you want to spawn even less already claimed characters.
- Patreon T1 role in Mudae's main server (role removed at the same time as your pledge)
Server Premium II[]
- Cost: $10/month
For 30 days and one server:
- Improved $setclaim (admin command). Use $setclaim 60 to allow everyone in your server to claim every hour.
- Access to $setinterval (admin command). Use $setinterval 60 to let everyone in your server having a claim/rolls reset at rounded hours (xx:00) instead of the current one.
- Improved $setrolls (admin command). +5 rolls max for everyone in your server: use $setrolls 18 (or $setrolls 16 if in Gamemode 2)
- +1 $mk per hour for everyone in your server, command to force the spawn of a kakera.
- Possibility to create a 3rd and a 4th instance with $channelinstance (instances stay if premium expires). All instances can be set in any $gamemode.
- Improved $setrare (admin command). Use $setrare 10 to spawn less already claimed characters.
- Patreon T2 role in Mudae's main server (role removed at the same time as your pledge)
Server Premium III[]
- Cost: $20/month
For 30 days and one server:
- All Server Premium II features
- Improved $setrolls (admin command). +8 rolls max for everyone in your server: use $setrolls 23 (or $setrolls 21 if in Gamemode 2)
- +2 $mk per hour for everyone in your server (for total of +3)
- +7 wishlist slots
- Added $removecopylimit to remove 30 days old limit for the commands $haremcopy, $kakeracopy, and $soulcopy
- boost the kakera earned with $setkakerabonus up to 100%
- Patreon T4 role in Mudae's main server (role removed at the same time as your pledge)
Other subscription tiers[]
Many other subscription tiers allow you to purchase credits, which can be used to purchase different combinations of player and server premium.
Premium Type | # of credits |
Player Premium I | 5 credits |
Player Premium II | 10 credits |
Server Premium I | 5 credits |
Server Premium II | 10 credits |
Additional Tiers[]
Tier | Cost | # of credits |
Mix Premium (Tier 2) | $10/month | 10 credits |
Premium Tier 3 | $15/month | 15 credits |
Premium Tier 4 | $20/month | 20 credits |
Premium Tier 5 | $25/month | 25 credits |
Premium Tier 6 | $30/month | 30 credits |
Premium Tier 7 | $35/month | 35 credits |
Mix Premium is marketed as being for Player Premium I and Server Premium I.
Each tier will also give the corresponding role on the Mudae World server.
Join Mudae's main server: https://discord.gg/EEGkGSh
Then, link your Discord account to Patreon: you will be mentioned in a channel about the activation commands. Since October 22nd 2024, you can activate a premium on any server which has Mudae bot in it
To add another premium tier later in the month, you have to upgrade to a higher tier (only the difference is charged).
Additional information[]
- Anyone can buy server premium for a server, even if they are not the owner, admin, or mod. However, a user with the appropriate permissions will have to use the server premium commands in order to use most of the benefits.
- You can check your patreon information (number of credits, current activation, etc.) by direct messaging Muda-02 with $info. You can also do this with any server that has Mudae bot
- To change where your credits are used, direct message Muda-02 or any server with Mudae in it with $reinvest.
- You can also change your server by direct messaging her or any server with Mudae in it with $changeserver <current server premium ID> <new server premium ID>.
- You can't buy a less expensive tier if you already subscribed to an equivalent or more expensive tier during this month, because Patreon only charges you by the difference with your former tier.
- Patreon auto-renews on the same date you bought of the month since November 2 2024. For example, if you buy at January 8th you'll be charged again next 8th of the month. To avoid being charged for more months than you want, make sure to cancel before the next month begins, but after you have already activated your premium in Mudae World. You will still have your premium perks in the bot for the full duration, even if you canceled on Patreon.
Other commands[]
- You can get the link to patreon by using the command $patreon.
- You can pull up current patreon-related information in your server by using $search info premium or $perks.
- You can see if you have player premium by doing the command $overview, or server premium by doing the command $settings.
These perks will reset back to their defaults if Patreon is not renewed:
- Extra rolls, extra usage of commands like $dk, etc
- Use of $mk
- $setclaim and $setinterval settings
- $setrare settings (will return back to 2)
- $setkakerabonus revert to 0%
- $removecopylimit will be disabled
- Role in Mudae World will be removed
These perks will not reset back to their defaults:
- Any new instances created, or instances that had their gamemode changed
- Any characters or kakera copied over (you keep those)
- Any haremcopy or kakeracopy credits you didn't use (you keep those)
These perks will still be available in some capacity, but not to their full potential:
- $wishseries - it will still ping you for series you had wished, and you can remove series using $wsr, but you cannot add any more series
- Extra $wishlist slots - the number of wishlist slots will go down, and excess characters in your wishlist will not be wished (Indicated with message next to a character "Not wished: not enough slots")
$haremcopy and $kakeracopy[]
To use these commands, Mudae must have been invited to the server for the first time in the last 30 days or Server Premium III with $removecopylimit. It doesn't count if Mudae was inactive or Mudae was kicked and reinvited, etc. - these will NOT allow you to use $haremcopy and $kakeracopy.
This will copy your harem from another server, adding the characters to your current harem, EXCEPT already claimed characters, custom characters, and characters from the series Azur Lane, Arknights, and Mahjong Soul. Nothing is removed from both servers.
This command will give you the amount of kakera you have on another server, after conversion of badges and towers. It will also give you kakeraloot stuff (refunded if you already have loots on the new server). Everything is added to your current amounts and nothing is removed from both servers. The transfer is limited to 10 million kakera. Event badges are also transferred with this command.
Both commands need the confirmation of the server owner of the receiving server. It is globally limited to one use (or two uses for Player Premium III) per premium month.
You can get a server ID by doing $myid in the old server, by right clicking the server icon using Discord Developer Mode, or even by using old message links, including ones sent to your DMs. To copy from a second instance of a server, add .2 at the end of the ID.
Change History[]
Date | Update |
August 8, 2018 | Premium was introduced with Premium I and Premium II, which had only server-related commands ($setclaim and $setinterval). |
September 28, 2018 | Player Premium was introduced, with perks like greater wishlist size, increased disablelist, $wishseries, and more rolls. |
January 27, 2018 |
September 1, 2019 |
February 17, 2020 |
March 12, 2020 | Player Premium II was given more kakera earned and more $wishseries slots. |
September 21, 2021 | The command $toggleplayerpremium was added. |
September 9, 2022 | Player premium 2 now has +3 slots for each preset list, and player premium 1 has +1 slot. |
Features | |
Help | Characters · Commands · Mudae · Rolls · Wishes · Trading · Divorce · Disable · Flags · FAQs · Tutorials · Update History |
Features | Ranking (2018 · 2019 · 2020 · 2021 · 2022 · Likes) · Gamemodes · Profile · Badges · Custom Characters · Permissions · Instances · Presets · Premium |
Kakera & Keys | Kakera (Reactions · Values · Spawn) · Kakera Badges (Prices) · Kakera Tower (Prices · Towers · Perks · Double Keys) · Kakera Loots (Mudapins · Wishprotect Levels · Quantity & Quality) · Keys · Soulmates · Boost (Kakera · Wish) |
Games | Pokéslot · Tea · MudaQuiz · Jan-ken-pon · Arena (Mudae GM) |