Mudae's bot permissions and user permissions can be adjusted using a variety of commands.
Command groups[]
The following "bundles" of commands are available for you to use so that you don't have to specify individual commands, both when setting bot and user permissions:
- allrolls: all marry roll commands ($w, $h, $wg, $mk...)
- allwaifu: all marry roulette related commands ($w, $im, $top...) except the commands restricted to moderator, admin, or server owner by default.
- allmod: all the commands restricted to moderator/admin/server owner by default ($cleanuser...)
- allpokeslot: all Pokéslot related commands.
- allgames: side games of Mudae (quiz, teas, pokeduel, jankenpon)
- allother: all side commands of Mudae ($quotimage, $42ball, $fate...)
- allcommands: everything listed above
These bundles are compatible with the commands $channelrestrict, $channeldeny, $restrict, and $deny.
The following table depicts all the commands which are covered by these bundles by default.
Bundle | Commands included |
allrolls | waifu husbando marry waifug husbandog marryg mk waifua husbandoa marrya |
allwaifu | waifu husbando marry waifug husbandog marryg mk waifua husbandoa marrya addimglist addimg a2list alias2 alias changeimg embedcolor firstmarry mymarry renameharem renamelikelist renameclaim renamedivorce note setfooter imglink randomimg personalrare togglewestern wishdm disabledm marryup kakeraup rollsup timersup tip sortmarry left fn infomarry infomarrya infomarryak topserv top marryexchange give wishlist antidisablelist disablelist wishserieslist antidisable disable wishseries wish divorce divorceall vote rolls waifuarena skills victorysentence deathsentence daily like likelist enableall serverdisablelist profile badge profilebadge profilearrange restorelist kakera kakerareward dailykakera givekakera resetclaimtimer freeclaim topservk topservy bronze silver gold sapphire ruby emerald kakerascrap kakeradm settings wishsort kakeraloot info lkl infokl quality quantity usestack mudapin pinexchange givepin releasepin pinlike infokeys limroul soulcopy haremcopy kakeracopy antienableall leftusers channelhelp infopin cleanself wishremoveall selfresetalias2 selfresetalias selfresetimg noteremoveall hideinfodisable noteimg bonuskeysup selfresetkeys selfresetcustimg noteimglist favarena rollsleft tuarrange infomarryk toggleirl perstogglereact tower build destroy colormm colorpr colorll colorsl starwish overview bonus toggleplayerpremium tag alltags didactic selfreset preset qw presetdm skipsubstep skiptuto silentstep boostkakera boostwish disabletag el wishpurge likem |
allmod | prefix lang togglehentai toggledisturbing togglewishprotect togglesnipe togglekakerasnipe haremlimit channelinstance gamemode servlimroul toggleclaimrank togglelikerank toggleclaimrolls togglelikerolls setrare setclaim shifthour setinterval setrolls settimer claimreact kakerareact addcustom imgcustom namecustom deletecustom gendercustom typecustom givecustom bitesthedust clearnotes serverenableall clearwishes resetalias2 resetalias resetimg serverdisable cleanuser thanos thanosall forcedivorce userdivorce fullresetalias removekeys restore togglekakera togglekeys channeldeny channelrestrict restrict deny setpermission setchannel badgevalue kakerarefund kakeraremove klreset givescrap togglekakerarolls kakeralootvalue fullresetalias2 fullresetimg fullresetcustimg fullresetwishes fullresetdisable fullresetembedcolor fullresetkeys fullresetchannelperms fullresetroleperms fullresetnoteimg requiem togglereact towervalue cleankakera toggleslash togglebuttons togglechildtag setkakerabonus removecopylimit channelperms roleperms pokeduel delock |
allpokeslot | pokemon pokedex autorelease release sortpkm pokerank pokeserv pokemode pokelikelist pokelike togglepokelike shinyhunt releaseall pokeprofile |
allgames | quizrank quiz teasyll blacktea greentea redtea yellowtea mixtea pokeduel jankenpon |
allother | word poem phrase invent cdn beam embed fate invert avatar embedtxt alea say rdmcountry wiki def quote loli rdmperso mudanime 42ball searchpkm rdmpokemon date star |
Bot permissions[]
The bot's permissions are changed by using the commands $channelrestrict and $channeldeny, as well as adjusting Discord permissions.
When setting permissions, you can use the command $channelperms to see what commands have been restricted or denied to a channel.
The command $fullresetchannelperms allows you to completely reset channel permissions for the whole server.
- Syntax: $channelrestrict <Command(s) to restrict to this channel, separated by a space>
This command allows the specified commands to be used in only the current channel. Those commands will be disabled in every other channel BUT the current channel. You can allow more channels by using the same command in those channels.
You can specify another channel without actually typing in it by using $channelrestrict <Channel ID> <Command(s)>. The channel ID is a string of numbers which can be obtained using Discord developer mode and right-clicking or long pressing the channel name.
$channelunrestrict can allow you to remove a previously set restriction, or override a previous one. You can use the command $channelunrestrictall to remove ALL restrictions previously set in the channel.
- Syntax: $channeldeny <Command(s) to deny in this channel, separated by a space>
This command prevents the specified command from being used in the current channel. You can specify another channel without actually typing in it by using the Channel ID (see the above section)
The command $channelallow and $channelallowall can be used to override or remove previously set restrictions using $channeldeny.
Note: It's not recommended to use $channeldeny in every channel you don't want Mudae to be used in. It's easier to just do $channelrestrict in channels you DO want Mudae to be used in, especially for if you make new channels in the future.
Example 1[]
Let's say you want to set up a server for Mudae with the following channels: A channel for rolls and pokemon, a channel for only non-roll harem-related commands, a channel for games and other commands, and a mod channel. Also, you want to be able to use $im anywhere in the server, even if it's not a Mudae-related channel. Here are the commands you would do in each channel to set this up.
- #rolls-channel: Allow all normal harem-related commands including rolls, as well as pokeslot.
- $channelrestrict allwaifu allpokeslot
- $channelunrestrict im
- #mudae-channel: Allow normal harem and pokeslot commands, but deny rolls.
- $channelrestrict allwaifu allpokeslot
- $channeldeny allrolls p
- $channelunrestrict im
- #games-channel: Allow just games and other silly commands to be used in this channel.
- $channelrestrict allgames allother
- #mod-channel: Allow mod commands and other harem related commands, but deny rolls. Harem related commands are useful so that mods can check people's harems, use commands like $leftusers, view the $serverdisablelist, etc.
- $channelrestrict allmod allwaifu
- $channeldeny allrolls
- $channelunrestrict im
By unrestricting $im in each channel it was restricted to, it allows it to be used everywhere in the server.
Example 2[]
User permissions[]
Similarly to the bot's permissions in channels, user permissions can be changed with $restrict and $deny, as well as the older command $setpermission.
When setting permissions, you can use the command $roleperms <command name> to see what roles have permission to use the command. Note that this ISN'T the same thing as all the possible roles that can use the command, only the ones that have been changed from default.
The command $fullresetroleperms allows you to completely reset channel permissions for the whole server.
Default commands[]
By default, there are the following levels of user permissions:
- Server owner: The owner of the server
- Admin: Users with a role providing Discord administrator permissions
- Moderator: Users with a role providing "manage messages" permissions
- Character owner: Applies to character-specific commands
- Everyone
The following table shows which roles have which abilities by default.
Category | Commands |
Server owner |
Admin |
Moderator |
Character owner |
Everyone | All other commands |
Note that these groups do not line up exactly with the bundles: for example, allmod mostly contains commands limited to admins, but it also contains commands that can be done by mods as well as by only the server owner.
$restrict and $deny[]
- Syntax: $restrict <role ID> <command name>
The role ID refers to any role you created on your server, and it doesn't have to have any special permissions on Discord for $restrict to work. The role ID is a string of numbers which can be obtained using Discord developer mode and right-clicking or long pressing the role name.
Performing this command will make it so that nobody but the specified role and the default moderators/admins/owner level will be able to perform the specified actions. $unrestrict can be used to undo the $restrict, whether for an individual command or for the entire group of commands.
Just like $channelrestrict, you can specify a bundle of commands, or just individual commands. For example, a certain role may not have mod commands by default. Using $restrict <roleID> allmod allows everyone with that role to be able to use all mod commands.
$deny works in the same way, but it takes away existing permissions, and it takes priority on $restrict and default levels to prevent them regardless. For example, all users can roll by default. Using $deny <roleID> allrolls prevents everyone with that role from being able to roll.
This command, originally an older version of $restrict, can be used to more specifically change default levels of permissions of a few commands, including to affect oneself or one's own harem without permission.
- $setpermission kakerarefund charowner => users can use $kakerarefund for themselves
- $setpermission addimg charowner => users can add new images with $addimg for characters they own
- $setpermission alias charowner => users can change a spoiler alias for characters they own
- $setpermission changeimg none => users can change the images of all the characters in the server
- $setpermission alias none => users can change the aliases of all the characters in the server
- $setpermission alias2 none => users can change the secondary aliases of all the characters in the server
- $setpermission noteimg none => users can change the notes of images on all the characters in the server
To reset or change a permission, use the same command but replace charowner or none by admin (users with administrator permissions) or mod (users with manage messages permissions) or owner (server owner).
Beware of not making a command unavailable for yourself via default permissions in $setpermission (such as owner when you are admin of server) or you may need help from owner or another allowed admin to revert the change.
The following commands are supported by $setpermission (according to the error message when an invalid command name is used) : bitesthedust, cleanuser, noteimg, forcedivorce, clearnotes, lang, prefix, setchannel, togglehentai, setrare, setclaim, setinterval, delock, say, togglerank, thanos, addcustom, imgcustom, namecustom, deletecustom, typecustom, claimreact, setrolls, alias, alias2, changeimg, addimg, settimer, givecustom, serverdisable, channeldisable, restore, togglekakera, fullreset, restrict, kakerarefund, kakeraremove, givescrap, requiem
Additional notes[]
- The command $togglesilent can be used to adjust how the bot responds to restricted/denied commands.
- $togglesilent 0 will tell you how the command is restricted or disabled, $togglesilent 1 will cause the bot to react with a no entry emoji, and the bot will not respond at all if $togglesilent 2 is used.
- Only the server owner can use this command.
- It can be difficult to troubleshoot or diagnose permission issues if $togglesilent 2 is used.
- $restrict and $deny are generally more modern than $setpermission and for almost all commands, but :
- Commands which depend on charowner mode, can only be set/prevented as such by $setpermission. In contrast, $deny and $restrict cannot pay attention to the charowner for personal special cases.
- You may still choose to change the default permissions of server admin/mod instead of explicitly restrict/deny.
- Not all aliases of every commands are supported in every permission command. For example $trade is alias of $marryexchange but that alias is not supported in $restrict etc. Whereas $acimg is alias of $imagecustom and is supported in $restrict etc but is not supported in $setpermission . Besides the lists of commands in $channelperms shows the canonical name. For example $tutorial and $challenge are aliases of $didactic.
Other issues[]
These issues relate to Discord permissions.
- Mudae generally needs the permissions "add reactions", "use external emojis", and "embed links" to function. "Manage messages" is also needed for some commands which automatically delete messages such as $say, $wishd, etc.
- If Mudae can only use slash commands and not $ commands, make sure Mudae can see the channel.
- If Mudae can't use emojis in slash commands, make sure you give the permission to "use external emojis" to "everyone" in the channel.
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