Mudae Wiki
Mudae Wiki
Mudae Wiki

Welcome to the Mudae Wiki, a fan-created encyclopedia that documents everything related to the famed Discord bot created by Snya#1522. Mudae is well known for its character roulette game, which features ~104,000 rollable anime, manga, and video game characters from a wide variety of series. Alongside the roulette, Mudae has a selection of other games and command functions to use. All of this and more is documented on our Wiki.

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News and Updates

May 26, 2023

  • $disabletag is available for the tags triggering content and disturbing imagery ($tag triggering content, $tag disturbing imagery)
  • More bonuses for keys:
    • LVL 10 & 15 => +15 default kakera value (applied before any other boost)
    • LVL 20, 25 & 30 => +10 default kakera value.
    • LVL 35, 40... 60 => +5 default kakera value.
    • LVL 70, 80... 300 => +5 default kakera value.
    • LVL 25, 100, 300 & 500 => A second kakera reaction has a chance to appear under this character. (LVL 25 = 25%, 100 = 50%, 300= 75%, 500 = 100%)
    • LVL 50, 200 & 400 => Purple, Red and Rainbow kakera reactions give more kakera on this character. (LVL 50 & 200 = +75%, LVL 400 = +100%)
  • $divorce and $divorceall remove 5% keys from the divorced characters (for characters having at least 21 keys)
  • i flag available for $ail (to display the custom images added for the server).
  • Generation 9 Pokémon are available in the Pokéslot.

April 26, 2023

  • Tags are available for all servers!
    • Since the end of 2021, the best community of the world has added tags for most of the characters. Hair style, eyes color, voice actor, birthday, role, job... Over 14,000 different tags exist.
  • Use $tag <tag> to find all characters having a specific tag.
    • Example: $tag cat will display all existing characters tagged as a 'cat'
    • For more search options, type $tag without an argument.
  • Use $el <character> to display the tags of a specific character.
    • You can also use $ime to display the tags with the command $im.
  • Use $at if you are looking for the full list of tag.
  • Not all characters have been tagged!
  • Different features are planned with tags. The first ones are already available:
    • Use $disabletag <tag> to disable specific tags from your rolls. Currently this command can only be used to disable the following tags: 'Child', 'Baby', 'Child-like', 'Animal', 'Anthropomorphic Animal', 'Species'
      • Characters disabled by this command can still be enabled by wishing them and count towards the character limits of your $disablelist
    • Use $togglechildtag (admin command) to completely disable all characters having the 'Child' and 'Baby' tags for your whole server ($tag child, $tag baby)
    • $kakerareact switchset has been added to display a letter next to each kakera reaction, so they can be more recognizable in case of color issues

April 9, 2023

  • Happy 5th Birthday Mudae!

April 8, 2023

  • 5744 characters have been added to the bot. They can be viewed here or by using $mm update

December 24, 2022

  • When ranks are disabled with $toggleclaimrank and $togglelikerank, $top sorts the characters by kakera value
  • $ims is compatible with the i- flag to surround the image links with brackets

December 5, 2022

  • Maximum number of regular suggested pics is increased: 50 -> 100
    • This makes to maximum number of non-custom images is 110, 100 regular images + 10 gifs.
  • Option page (for $mm, $im...) works with negative numbers and returns the result from the last page.
  • 3 years ago, badges earned through events were bound to the server instead of the account. For users having such badges, those server badges are now global.
  • Added arguments to filter the $badge command: 'kakera', 'pin', 'arena', 'birthday', 'christmas', 'halloween', 'tuto', 'special' and event years.
  • The combination of $togglekakeraclaim and $togglekakeralike doesn't result in a kakera value of 0 for characters. Instead, it only removes the involvement of ranks in the base kakera calculation.
  • Bundle definitions can now be suggested and a few bundles have one, for example when the title is not explicit enough. You can access the definition with $ima?

November 12, 2022

  • 4525 characters have been added to the bot. They can be viewed here or by using $mm update.

September 13, 2022

  • The spawn probability of kakera has been reworked, it now depends on the ratio of claimed characters during an hourly set of rolls: type $bk info for the details of how it works and the spawn probability. The minimum is not changed.
    • New command: $boostkakera ($bk): Invest rolls to increase the amount of kakera you get when you react to any kakera, and increase their spawn probability under already claimed characters.
    • New command: $boostwish ($bw): Invest rolls to increase your wish spawn probability and, in addition, your $firstwish spawn probability when you roll.
    • In summary, with those commands you can get less rolls per hour in exchange for a focus on kakera earnings or the spawn of your wishes.
    • There may be an optimal value depending on your server and what you are looking for. Type those commands ($bk and $bw) for more details.
    • The cooldown to lower (or reset) the rolls you invested is 12 hours.
  • Using the v flag with $top ($topv) hides ranks and bold.
  • Use $badgevalue to defines the values of the badges in one command (merging $bronzevalue, $silvervalue...)
  • $preset: +3 slots for player premium 2 and +1 slot for player premium 1, for each preset list
  • Slash commands: error messages from $wish, $disable and $antidisable can only be seen by the sender (except the message without an argument). Confirmation messages are also less big when they are just a react.

August 30, 2022

  • You can add an argument to $p to use multiple pokerolls in one command (up to 25). Example: $p 25
  • Translated series aliases for the languages Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish and French (can be added from the #series-logo-alias-name channel in Mudae World)
    • If your server set one of those languages (with $lang), the corresponding translated aliases are displayed at the top of $ima
    • Otherwise, use $ima? <series> to see those translated titles.
  • Gamemode 2: kakera spawn is fixed and more similar to gamemode 1: the spawn probability is correctly decreased depending on the pool available with your $limroul/$servlimroul settings (and the number of claimed characters in those pools)
    • Additional update for both Mode 1 and 2: The kakera spawn is now capped at a minimum of 1 every 5 claimed rolls on average (instead of 1 every 9 claimed rolls). Spawn chances have been increased accordingly depending on your number of claimed characters (almost doubled).
  • Flag v works for $mp and $pinll, and removes the bold format for $wl
  • Buttons mandatory for all commands except for rolls (use $togglebuttons for rolls)
  • Slash Commands:
    • Kakera value increased when rolling with slash commands: +5% -> +10%
    • On September 1st, Discord makes mandatory slash commands for all bots without the message content intent (and in 100 servers or more). Though there is an alternative if you want the bot to see the content of a message: mention the bot in the message.
    • Mudae has the message content intent so no changes for the moment. There is no guarantee for a bot to keep this message content intent, so it may be subject to changes in the future.
    • For Mudae GM, you need to mention this bot in each message starting on September 1st.
    • Now that slash commands are the standard for Discord bots, +230 slash commands will be added for Mudae in a day or so. Slash commands are limited to 100 per bot, but each command can have up to 25 subcommands.

July 28, 2022

  • $tuto is now available for all servers.
    • This tutorial covers the main features of Mudae: complete the different steps to get rewards such as kakera, $freeclaim, $firstwish bonuses, badge, and unlock a new feature called preset lists (see below)
    • If you are playing on multiple servers, you only have to complete the tutorial in one server. Then you can skip and get the rewards with $skiptuto
    • If you manage to complete the tutorial, some harder steps will guide you towards the very end game features (can not be skipped).
  • $preset
    • This command will allow you to backup your current $wishlist, $disablelist and/or $antidisablelist. Then, you can load those backups in any server with a single command.
    • Currently 2 backup slots for each list.
    • For more information and the list of syntaxes, type $preset
  • Overlap limit increased by +500 characters for $disablelist (gamemode 1)
  • Use $imo <character> to display the ID of the character owner.
  • Wishlists tell you when a character is disabled with a toggle.

July 23, 2022

  • 3962 characters have been added to the bot. They can be viewed here or by using $mm update.

July 16, 2022

  • Many Pokémon were swapped to a series counterpart. See here for more details.
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For help with creating the tables and formatting that can be seen on some pages, be sure to check the Codes to Use page. You can also create a page with the box below.

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Yuji Itadori1
Yuji Itadori
Jujutsu Kaisen
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