Mudae Wiki
Mudae Wiki

Muda-02 (real name: Mudatest) is a private bot specific to Mudae's server, Mudae World. Her character is Asuka Langley Shikinami from Rebuild of Evangelion.

You cannot have her for your own server.


Muda-02 is used for several functionalities specific to Mudae's server and for stocking the beta character database just before the integration of the new characters into Mudae herself.

She performs several moderation duties, such as preventing new members from posting images.

She doesn't have any specific help command.

Beta database[]

When a new characters update is announced by Saya on Mudae's server, the new characters are stored into the beta database of Muda-02. Thus, the people on the server can preview the new characters or add suggestions and feedback before they become "official".

In most channels, Muda-02 reacts to the double dollar prefix ($$im, $$ima...), thus avoiding the normal Mudamaid's reactions and allowing users to view the beta database.

Muda-02 is linked to Mudae World Instance 1, and displays the current owner of characters and their embed colors. However, unlike Mudae or Mudamaid 2, she defaults to showing the first image instead of the user's set image, and only the person who used the $$im command can change the image. She does not show custom images, keys, or the character's kakera value when adjusted by keys. She also includes the number of gifs inside curly brackets, like {5}, so that users can tell at a glance how many gifs and still images the character has.

Images, aliases, polls, and tags[]

On Mudae's server it is possible for people to do polls or to suggest pictures, aliases, and tags for waifus and husbandos. When they do so, Muda-02 reacts to a command ($s) to add reactions, permitting the polls to happen. Note that $s shares the same name as the search command, but provides a completely different function in these cases only.

Muda-02 can also auto-delete posts if the command syntax is not respected or if an alias has already been taken.

Muda-02 accepts the following commands, depending on the channel:

Channel Command Syntax Explanation
Pics $s $s <exact name> <imgur link> Add an image for a character. You can also use spoiler, alt, or main emotes to influence voting.
Pics $s :swap: $s :swap: 1 <exact name> <imgur link> Swap an image for a character by naming their initial position.
Aliases $s $s <name> = <Alias> Suggest an alias for a character. You can also use the spoiler emote to influence voting.
Polls (Pics) $swap
$swap Rem = 2 > 5 Swap the position of two images.
Polls (Pics) $arrange
$arrange Rem = 2 > 5 > 8 > 3 Reorder images. Pictures not mentioned in the command will be moved after the last input.
Polls (Pics) $removeimg $removeimg Rem = 9 Remove an image and replace it with the last image of the character (to preserve matches).
Polls (Aliases) $swap
$swap Remrin = Rem Swap the position of two aliases.
Polls (Aliases) $arrange
$arrange Rem = Remrin
Arrange aliases, with the first name listed becoming the new main name. Aliases not mentioned will be placed after the last input.
Polls (Aliases) $remove
$remove Remrin Remove an alias and replace it with the last alias.
Polls (Aliases) $rename
$rename remrin = Rinrem Rename an alias to something else.
Polls (Aliases) $makespoil $makespoil Remrin Turn an alias into a spoiler alias.
Polls (Aliases) $removespoil $removespoil Remrin Turn an alias into a non-spoiler/regular alias.
Polls (Bundles) $createbundle $createbundle <Bundle name> =
Create a bundle with the listed series.
Polls (Bundles) $addtobundle
$addtobundle <Bundle name> =
Add these series to an existing bundle. If a series is a bundle, all the series within that series will be added to the bundle.
Polls (Bundles) $removefrombundle
$removefrombundle <Bundle name> =
Remove these series from an existing bundle.
Polls (Bundles) $deletebundle $deletebundle <Bundle name> Delete a bundle (not the series within it).
Polls (Characters) $changeseries $changeseries Rem = Berserk Move a character to a new series. If the series doesn't exist, it will be created after a warning.
Polls (Characters) $changegender $changegender Rem = both Change a character's gender, using f for female or m for male.
Polls (Characters) $changeroll $changeroll Rem = both Change whether a character is under animanga and/or game rolls. Use a for animanga rolls or g for game rolls.
Series (Logo) $logo $logo <series> = <imgur link> Add or change a logo for a series.
Series (Alias) $addalias $addalias <series> = <new alias> Add an alias for a series.
Series (Alias) $rename $rename <series> = <new name> Change the name for a series or series alias.
Series (Alias) $swap $swap <series> = <series alias> Switch the main name with a series alias.
Series (Alias) $remove $remove <series alias> Remove an alias for a series.
Series (Alias) $arrange $arrange <series> = <first alias>
<second alias>
Arrange the order of aliases for a series.
Tags $s $s <character> = <tag >
$s <character 1> + <character 2> = <tag 1> + <tag 2>
Add tag(s) to character(s).
Tags $remove $remove <character> = <tag> Remove a tag from a character.
Tags $create $create <character> = <new tag> Create a tag that doesn't exist yet and add it to character(s). Command is restricted.
Tags (Names) $alias $alias <tag> = <alias> Add an alias to an existing tag.
Tags (Names) $alias $removealias <tag> = <alias> Remove an alias from a tag.
Tags (Names) $swapalias $swapalias <tag> = <alias> Swap the main name of a tag with one of its aliases.
Tags (Names) $renameall $renameall <current tag> = <new tag> Rename an existing tag. Applied to all the characters with this tag. Command is restricted.
Tags (Names) $deleteall $deleteall <tag> Delete an existing tag. Applied to all the characters with this tag. Command is restricted.
Tags (Categories) $cat $cat <tag> = <category> Add or change the category of a tag (existing or not). Use "none" for no category or a new category to re-categorize it.
Tags (Categories) $subcat $subcat <tag> = <subcategory> Add or change the subcategory of a tag (existing or not).
Tags (Definition) $def $def <tag> = <definition> Add a definition for a tag. Supports multiline definitions.

Other special commands[]


  • $info: You can DM this to her to find out the status of your Premium.
  • $changeserver: You can DM this to her to move your premium to another server. Can only be done once every 10 days. Syntax: $changeserver <current server premium ID> <new server premium ID>
  • $reinvest: You can DM this to her to reinvest your premium credits. Can only be used with more than 21 days left.
  • $playerother: Used for giving premium to somebody else.


  • $bundlelist: DMs you a list of all bundles and the number of characters in each.
  • $notbundled: DMs you a list of unbundled series. Used for adding bundles to new series when an update comes out.
  • $nologo: DMs you a list of series without a logo. Used for logo adding purposes.
  • $tl: Shows you a random character without tags.


