Mudae Wiki
Mudae Wiki

This is a list of the commands used by Mudae. The majority of these can already be viewed using $help or $channelhelp, but they are documented here nonetheless. The descriptions also come from Mudae (the bot itself really is your best guide!).

Please remember that the $search ($s) or /commandsearch commands can be used to look up every command as well. Additionally, all available slash commands may be viewed by typing /. Typing a command without any parameters will also give you even more information (both of these are much easier ways to get help with commands).

For frequently asked questions, especially those which cannot be answered by a single command, see FAQs.

REMINDER: This list, like everything else on the Wiki, is maintained by volunteers. If you find that a command is missing or has been changed, please feel free to add it or notify the Wiki's admins.
"You don't get the things you dream of, you get the things you work for."
This article is a stub. Please be patient, or help out if you like.
New slash command variants may be missing from this page, and still need to be added for many commands.


Main article: Characters

These commands are used to roll characters to claim.


Abbreviation: $w
Slash command: /wx

Random waifu. React quickly with a ❤️.

  • $wa: Roll a waifu from animanga. (/wa)
  • $wg: Roll a waifu from games. (/wg)


Abbreviation: $h
Slash command: /hx

Random husbando. React quickly with a ❤️.

  • $ha: Roll a husbando from animanga. (/ha)
  • $hg: Roll a husbando from games. (/hg)


Abbreviation: $m
Slash command: /mx

Random waifu or husbando. React quickly with a ❤️.

  • $ma: Roll a character from animanga. (/ma)
  • $mg: Roll a character from games. (/mg)



Abbreviation: $mm
Slash command: /mm

Inventory of your conquests.

Related article: Flags for more ways to filter, view, and sort your harem


Abbreviation: $me
Syntax: $marryexchange <@user> <character>

Exchange with the mentioned player.

  • Add $ <number of ka> at the end if you want to add kakera with the character.
Related article: Trading and Gifting


Slash command: /collection give
Syntax: $give <@user> <character>

Gift the mentioned player a character.

This feature is unlimited if both the gifter and the receiver spent 8000 kakera on badges (and with this, unlocked multi-trading). If this is not the case, a player can only receive a free gift once every 12 hours; any additional gift will consume their claim.

Related: $givekakera
Related article: Trading and Gifting


Abbreviation: $sw
Slash command: /collection starwish
Syntax: $starwish <character>

Change your favorite waifu/husbando and always display their image when using $mm or $pr.

Use $starwish none to reset this effect.

Note: the character is also placed at the first position of your harem (you can change the position afterwards)

Related: $profile


Abbreviation: $sm
Slash command: /sortmarry
Syntax: $sm <character to sort at the 1st position> $ <character to sort at the 2nd position> ...

Sort your spouses.

To start the sort at a specific position: $smpos <Reference character> $ <Character to sort after the reference character> ...

  • Sort by harem flag: $sm$mm<flag> (Examples: $sm$mmr, $sm$mmw re:zero, $sm$fnw note...)
  • Sort by harem note: $sm note <note to sort first> $ <note to sort second> ...
  • Sort by series: $sm series <series to sort first> $ <series to sort second> ...
  • Sort alphabetically: $sm abc
  • Sort all your harem in reverse order: $sm reverse

Note that you can't sort (again) by chronological order.


Abbreviation: $c
Syntax: $changeimg <Character> $ <Image position>

Change which image appears first for that character.


Requirements: Moderator
Abbreviation: $ai
Syntax: $addimg <name of an existing character> $ <imgur link>

Add a custom image for an existing character.

  • To add multiple images to the same character, separate the links with a $
  • It is recommended to add .gif at the end of the link when adding a gif (12 max per character)
  • Your pic has to be hosted on and must follow the rules of Discord!
  • Use $setpermission addimg charowner to allow this command for the character owners.

Additional commands:

  • To remove one image: $ai remove <name> $ <custom image position (between 1 and 25)>
  • To remove all of them for a character: $ai removeall <name>
  • To swap an image: $ai swap <name> $ <custom image position (between 1 and 25)> $ <new imgur link>
  • To arrange the order of your custom images by their current custom positions: $ai arrange <name> $ <new 1st position> $ <new 2nd position> ...
Related: $addimglist


Abbreviation: $n
Slash command: /note
Syntax: $note <Character> $ <Message>

Add a message next to the character in your harem.

Separate the terms by a $ for a common note to multiple characters, series or pages.

  • $noteseries <series>$<message>: note for all the characters of a series from your harem.
  • $notepage <page(s)>$<message>: note for all the characters displayed at a specific page of your harem ($mm)
  • $notenote <note(s)>$<message>: renote existing note(s)
  • $note$mm<flag> <note>: note everything listed with the harem flag.
  • To remove a note, leave it blank after the $. To remove all notes, use $noteremoveall


Syntax: $fn <note>

Find notes written using the $note command.

  • To search in a specific series, separate the series and the search with = ($fn <series> = <text>)
  • $fn <text 1>$<text 2> to search multiple texts.
  • $fn <text>$<page> to jump to the page.
  • $fnp <text>$<character(s)> to also search by character name.
  • $fne <text>$<tag(s)> to also search by tag.
  • Add -- in front of a text to exclude it from the search.
  • $fnq= <text> for an exact match.
  • $fnq+ <text> (or $fnq- <text>) to only search for notes containing a part starting (or ending) exactly by your request.
Related: $fnall
Related article: Flags for more ways to filter and sort a list of characters


Syntax: $divorce <Character>

Divorce a character and receive their value in kakera.

  • $divorceseries <series>: divorce ALL your characters from a series
  • $divorcepage <page>: divorce ALL your characters displayed at a specific page of your harem ($mm)
  • $divorcenote <note>: divorce ALL your characters by their $note
  • For multiple characters, series, pages or notes: separate them with a $
  • $divorce$mm<flag>: divorce everything listed with the harem flag (Example: $divorce$mmh will divorce ALL your husbandos)
  • To divorce ALL your characters, use $divorceall OR $divorceallbut <character(s) not to divorce> OR $divorceallbut page <$mm page(s) not to divorce>


Abbreviation: $pr
Slash command: /profile

Display your personal stats.

  • $profilebadge: ($pb) Change the badges/mudapins displayed on your profile.
  • $profilearrange: ($pa) Arrange the order of the categories on your profile.
  • $pokeprofile: ($ppr) Display up to 12 Pokémon on your $profile.
  • $profile serv: Your profile from another server. $pr serv 435763044120002561
  • $colorpr: Change the embed color (side line) of your $pr. Unlocked with $kt
Related article: Profile


Abbreviation: $a
Syntax: $alias <character>

Swap the main name for an available alias.

Using this command on the currently set alias will show the list of aliases (like $alist)

Related: $alist


Abbreviation: $a2
Syntax: $alias2 <Character>$<Text>

Change the secondary alias to whatever text you want. The a2 can be 200 characters long maximum. To remove the secondary alias, leave the text portion blank.

Related: $a2list


Abbreviation: $ni
Syntax: $noteimg <character> $ <image position(s)> $ <note to add>

Add a note on a specific image.

You must have claimed the character or be an admin of the server. The note is bound to the image itself (not the position).

  • $nis <harem series>, $nip <harem page> and $nin <harem note> are also available.
  • To remove, use $ni <name of the character> $ <image position(s)$
Related: $noteimglist



Abbreviation: $im
Slash command: /im
Syntax: $infomarry <character>

Search for a character.

  • $im <character>$<page> to jump to a certain image.
  • $imq! <character> if you want to return the list instead of one character.
  • $ime to display the character tags.
  • $ims for a direct message of the images.
  • $imd for more details during inexact searches.
  • $imq+ <character> (or $imq- <character>) to only search for names containing a part starting (or ending) exactly by your request.

Characters disabled from your rolls ($disable, $togglewestern...) are indicated with 🚫


Abbreviation: $ima
Slash command: /ima
Syntax: $infomarrya <Series>

Search for a series.

  • $imaq! <series> if you want to return the list instead of one series.
  • $ima <series 1>$<series 2> for multiple series.
  • $ima <series>$<page> to jump to the page.
  • $imab <series> for the bundle list of the series.
  • $imap <series> = <text> to search by character name.
  • $imae <series> = <tag(s)> to search by tag.
  • $ima& <bundle 1>$<bundle 2> to not search by series overlapping.
  • $imaq+ <series> (or $imaq- <series>) to only search for series containing a part starting (or ending) exactly by your request.
Related article: Flags for more ways to filter and sort a list of characters


Abbreviation: $al
Syntax: $alist <Character>

See available aliases for a character.

  • $alspoil to have the message sent to you in a DM (only way you can see spoiler aliases by default)
Related: $alias


Number of characters left for your server. Also displays the total amount of characters.


Slash command: /top

Displays the top 1000 characters.

  • $top #rank: Search for a specific character rank. $top #1500
Related article: Flags for more ways to filter and sort a list of characters. Ranking for more ranking-related commands.


Abbreviation: $ts
Slash command: /topserv

Server character ranking by top 15 ranked characters.

  • $topserv: ($ts) Server ladder for the sum of the 15 first claim ranked characters by claims.
  • $topservl: ($tsl) Server ladder for the sum of the 15 first ranked characters by likes.
  • $topservv: ($tsv) Server ladder for the harem kakera value. Use $tsv id to display user IDs.
  • $topservk: ($tsk) Server ladder for total kakera. Use $tsk id to display user IDs.
  • $topservy: ($tsy) Server ladder for characters with the most of keys. Use $tsy id to display user IDs.
  • $topservyb: ($tsyb) Server ladder for users with the best key level per character.
  • $topservyt: ($tsyt) Server ladder for users with the highest amount of keys.
  • $topserv nbr: ($ts nbr) Server ladder for the number of claimed characters.
  • $topserv lastclaim: ($ts lc) Date of the last claim for each user.
Related article: Ranking for more about ranking.


Slash command: /overview

List of your player settings.


List of your unlocked bonuses.


Syntax: $fnall <note to search in all harems of the server>

Find notes in all harems of the server.

  • Use $fnall== for an exact match
  • Sort by series: $fnall <series>$<optional note>
  • Sort by gender: $fnallw/fnallh/$fnallwh
  • Alphabetical sort: $fnall abc$<note> or $fnall reverse$<note>
  • Alphabetical sort per series: $fnall abc$<series>$<optional note>
  • To not include notes containing certain words, add -- in front of each term to disable
Related: $fn


Abbreviation: $ail

Server list (or someone's list with their ID) of custom images.

Use $ail unclaimed for unclaimed characters.

Related: $addimg


Abbreviation: $nil

Server list (or someone's list with their ID) of noted images.

Related: $noteimg


Abbreviation: $a2l

Server list (or someone's list with their ID) of alias2.

Related: $alias2



Make the images appearing during your rolls random.

  • $randomimg 0: (default value) Images appearing during your rolls are not random.
  • $randomimg 1: Images are random for ALL your rolls.
  • $randomimg 2: Images are only random for your rolls of UNCLAIMED characters.
  • $randomimg 3: Images are only random for your rolls of CLAIMED characters.
  • $randomimg 4: Images are only random for your rolls of characters IN YOUR HAREM.
  • $randomimg 5: Images are random for all your rolls EXCEPT for the characters from your harem.
  • $randomimg gif 1: Gifs are never displayed when you roll.
  • $randomimg gif 2: INSTEAD of displaying a random image, a random gif is displayed if there is any.
  • $randomimg cust 1: Custom images are never displayed when you roll.
  • $randomimg cust 2: INSTEAD of displaying a random image, a custom image is displayed if there is any.

Default values: $randomimg gif 0 and $randomimg cust 0


Change where the '2 rolls left' message is displayed.

  • $rollsleft 0: The message ⚠️ 2 ROLLS LEFT ⚠️ appears below the image. (Default value)
  • $rollsleft 1: The message ⚠️ 2 ROLLS LEFT ⚠️ appears just above the image.
  • $rollsleft 2: The message ⚠️ 2 ROLLS LEFT ⚠️ appears above the embed.
  • $rollsleft 3: The message ⚠️ 2 ROLLS LEFT ⚠️ doesn't appear anymore.


Display name/series/keys under the image during your rolls (for mobile users).


Display image links during your rolls.


Hide the emoji indicating a character is disabled (for $im/$mmi).


Abbreviation: $l
Slash command: /like
Syntax: $like <character>

Add a character to your likelist.

  • $likepos <position> <character>: insert a character at a specific position (and move down others). Can also work like $sortmarrypos
  • $likeremove <character>: remove a character.
  • $likeclear: clear your list after confirmation.
  • $likelist: get your list (type $s flags for the list of filters)
  • $likedm to make your lists private.
  • $ly to like without confirm if you have at least 10 characters in your likelist.


Abbreviation: $ll
Slash command: /ll

Your list of favorite characters.

When your list reaches at least 5 characters, you unlock the $daily command to stack a free rolls reset (usable every 20 hours)

Related: $daily
Related article: Flags for more ways to filter and sort a list of characters


Abbreviation: $rc
Syntax: $renameclaim <Text that will replace your current claim message>

Change your claim message. You must include a place for the character's name as <charname> and a place for the user's name as <username>.

  • $rc none: Change claim text to default text.


Abbreviation: $rd
Syntax: $renamedivorce <Text that will replace your current divorce message>

Rename your divorce message. You must include a place for the character's name as <charname> and a place for the user's name as <username>.

  • $rd none: Change divorce text to default text.


Abbreviation: $rh
Syntax: $renameharem <Text>

Change the title of your harem.

Related: $mymarry


Abbreviation: $rll
Syntax: $renamelikelist <Text>

Change the title of your like list.

Related: $likelist


Syntax: $rsl <Text>

Change the title of your soulmate list.

Related: $sl
Related article: Soulmates


Your list of badges (mudapins, event badges, kakera badges, and other special badges).

Related article: Badges


Requirements: Moderator
Abbreviation: $cr
Syntax: $claimreact add emoji1 emoji2 emoji3 ...

Customize the emojis that appear under characters, used to claim them.

  • Syntax to remove: $cr remove <emoji> ...
  • Syntax to swap: $cr swap <customized emoji to swap> $ <new emoji>
  • Syntax to reset all your emojis (default emojis will be used again): $cr reset
  • See your custom list with $cr list


Requirements: Admin
Syntax: $kakerareact <color> <emoji>

Customize the kakera rolls emojis.

  • See your customized list with $kakerareact list
  • Reset a color to its default value with $kakerareact <color> reset

List of possible colors, per order of value: purple, blue, teal, green, yellow, orange, red, rainbow, light

Related article: Kakera


Abbreviation: $persr
Syntax: $personalrare <Number between 1 and the current $setrare value for your server>

Change the spawn rarity of already claimed characters.

  • If you want claimed characters to appear more often during YOUR rolls, lower the value ($personalrare 1).
  • If you want claimed characters to appear less often, increase the value.
  • Use $persrare 0 to return to the server default value.

The probability to spawn a kakera under a claimed character depends on how many claimed characters you spawn on average, so often this command won't help you to get a lot more of kakera reactions.

Related: $setrare


Abbreviation: $ec
Syntax: $embedcolor <character name>$<hex ID>

Change the embed color for characters that have at least one key.

  • Replace <Color> by the corresponding HEX code
  • For multiple characters, separate them with a $
  • Add s to color series ($ecs Series$Color)
  • Add p to color by $mm page ($ecp Page(s)$Color)
  • Add n to color characters by note ($ecn Note(s)$Color)
  • Add all to color ALL your characters ($ecall Color)
  • Use $ec$mm<flag> to color everything listed with the harem flag ($ec$mmh re:zero$<color> will color all your husbandos from re:zero)
  • Leave a blank after the $ for default value.
Related article: Keys


Syntax: $colormm <Color>

Change the embed color (side line) of your $mm.

Related: $mymarry
Related article: Kakera Tower


Syntax: $colorpr <Color>

Change the embed color (side line) of your profile.

Related: $profile
Related article: Profile


Syntax: $colorll <Color>

Change the embed color (side line) of your like list.

Related: $likelist


Syntax: $colorsl <Color>

Change the embed color (side line) of your $sl.

Related: $sl


Main article: Custom Characters


Requirements: Moderator
Abbreviation: $ac
Syntax: $addcustom name$gender$type of rolls$imgur link

Add a custom character for your server (1000 max).

  • Replace gender with f for female, m for male or fm for both/genderless
  • Replace type of rolls with animanga, game or both

Commands for an already existing custom character:

  • For an image addition/change: $imgcustom (or $ic)
  • For a name addition/change: $namecustom (or $nc)
  • For a gender or roulette change: $gendercustom or $typecustom
  • You can also delete the character with $deletecustom


Requirements: Admin
Abbreviation: $gc
Syntax: $givecustom @someone <Unclaimed CUSTOM character to gift>

Give a custom character to a user.



Abbreviation: $mu
Slash command: /rollsutil marryup

Time left before your next claim.


Abbreviation: $ru
Slash command: /rollsutil rollsup

Rolls left before the next reset.


Abbreviation: $tu
Slash command: /rollsutil timersup

All timers for the roulette merged in one message (mu, ru, du, ku, rtu, dku, bku).

  • $tus: get a DM of your $tu


Abbreviation: $ta
Syntax: $tuarrange <category> <category> ...

Arrange the order of the categories for your $tu command. Categories not specified in the command will be hidden.

  • List of categories: claim, rolls, daily, keys, kakerareact, kakerapower, kakerainfo, kakerastock, rt, dk, pokemon, vote, rollsreset, jump
  • "jump" is used to jump a line (up to 10 jump)


Slash command: /wish add
Syntax: $wish <character>

Add a character to your wishlist so that you are mentioned when the character is rolled. The spawn rate of wishes is the same as any character but they can be boosted with kakera (see $k and $kt). Characters in your wishlist and wishserieslist are not disabled by your $disablelist!

For multiple characters, separate them with a $.

  • $wishlist: your list of wishes. Or $wlt (details) and most of the flags (see $s flags)
  • $wishremove <character>: remove a character from your wishlist (or $wishremoveall)
  • $wishdm: change the ping options.
  • $wishsort: automatically sort your wishlist by alphabetical order.
  • $wishpurge: remove doubles and already claimed characters (or $wpx to purge while keeping wishes for characters claimed by yourself)
  • Use $wishd instead of $wish to instantly delete your message
  • Use $wishl instead of $wish to lock your wish (effects: not affected by $wp and $wpx)
  • Use $wishk instead of $wish to wish for more kakera (effects: +220 kakera instead of +200 with Silver IV bonus, mentions/DM disabled when the character spawns and not considered as a wish for the wishprotect kakeraloot feature)
Related article: Wishes


Requirements: Player Premium
Abbreviation: $ws
Slash command: /wishseries add

Wish for an entire series. You will be mentioned when the characters are rolled.

Wished series are not affected by kakera bonuses.


Abbreviation: $wl
Slash command: /wl

Your list of wished characters.

Related: $wishdm
Related article: Flags for more ways to filter and sort a list of characters


Abbreviation: $fw
Slash command: /wish firstwish

Define a favorite wish. Its spawn can be boosted with $kt and $tuto rewards.

Related article: Kakera Tower, Tutorials


Syntax: $wishdm <get a DM when the character spawns (y/n)> <disable public ping when the character spawns (y/n)> <private wishlist (y/n)>

Choose what should be private about your wished characters.

Example (full private): $wishdm y y y

  • You get a DM when a character spawns
  • You don't get a public ping
  • Your wishlist is private


Abbreviation: $d
Slash command: /disable add
Syntax: $disable <series to disable>

Remove a series from YOUR rolls.

  • To remove a series from your $disablelist, use $enable <series> or $enableall
  • Use $disabledel ($dd) to autodelete your $disable message.

In Gamemode 2, when you disable a series, the same amount of disabled characters are enabled (you can't go below the limits mentioned by $limroul)


Abbreviation: $dl

Your list of disabled characters.

Options: d (details), v (vanilla), s (DM)

In Gamemode 1, it will show your overlap limit at the top; in Gamemode 2, it will show your pool limits (which are reached using $limroul).


Abbreviation: $ad
Syntax: $antidisable <Series>

This will enable all the specified characters for YOUR rolls.

It means those characters can be rolled even if they are disabled because of $disable or $limroul. It doesn't bypass the commands $togglehentai, $togglehorror or $serverdisable.

  • Use $antidisablelist ($adl) to see your list of antidisabled characters
  • Use $antienable ($ae) to remove characters from your $antidisablelist (or $aeall for all)
  • Use $antidisabledel ($add) to autodelete your $ad command

In Gamemode 2 only, you can antidisable individual characters or bundles. Use $adc or $aec to specify a character in the case a series shares the same name.


Requirements: Mode 2
Syntax: $limroul <$wa limit> <$ha limit> <$wg limit> <$hg limit>

Define the number of different characters you can roll in each roulette (by disabling the less popular characters). Only applies to your rolls.

Disable the maximum amount of less popular characters (popularity by claim rank) with this single command:

$limroul 7000 7000 4000 4000

This command means you can only roll 7000 different $wa, 7000 different $ha, 4000 different $wg and 4000 different $hg. Less popular characters are disabled.

  • You can enable specific characters or series with $antidisable
  • You can disable specific series with $disable (the same amount of characters are enabled if you go below the limits mentioned above)

Only Player Premium and kakeraloots/kakeratowers let you use lower values than the ones mentioned above (thus disabling more characters). Note that you can just use $limroul 1 1 1 1 to be safe with your lowest limits.

Related: $servlimroul
Related article: Gamemode


Requirements: Mode 1
Abbreviation: $tw

Completely disable western animanga characters for your rolls.


Requirements: Mode 1

Disable/enable series with real people for your rolls.


Abbreviation: $q

Create a backup of your current wishlist, disablelist, or antidisablelist accessible in any server.

  • $qs <wl/wl2/dl/dl2/adl/adl2> is used to save your list to a preset slot.
  • $ql <wl/wl2/dl/dl2/adl/adl2> is used to load your list.
  • $qw/$qw2/$qd/$qd2/$qa/$qa2 are used to view your list.

To save all three in one command, replace the name of the list with full.

Related article: Presets


List of personal reset commands.

  • $selfresetalias: reset all aliases to the default value for ALL YOUR characters ($a)
  • $selfresetalias2: remove all the custom secondary aliases for ALL YOUR characters ($a2)
  • $selfresetimg: reset all images positions to the default value for ALL YOUR characters ($c)
  • $selfresetcustimg: remove all the custom images for ALL YOUR characters ($ai)
  • $noteremoveall: remove all harem notes for ALL YOUR characters ($n)
  • $wishremoveall: clean your $wishlist
  • $enableall: clean your $disablelist
  • $antienableall: clean your $antidisablelist
  • $selfresetkeys: clean all the keys for ALL YOUR characters (not soulkeys)
  • $divorceall: divorce ALL YOUR characters.
Related: $fullreset


Upvote Mudae on and collect rolls resets. Type $rolls to use them.


Slash command: /daily

Collect a rolls reset. Type $rolls to use it.


Slash command: /rolls

Reset your rolls for the current hour (collect them with $vote and $daily)


Change whether reactions should be automatically added under the rolls during high traffic hours (4am to 11pm PST) for your own rolls. With the default values, slash commands with buttons are not affected by rush hours.

Use any $perstogglereact to remove the message appearing for each roll.

  • $perstogglereact 0: (default value) During your rolls, you are using the $togglereact value for this server (see $togglereact).
  • $perstogglereact 1: During your rolls, ❤️ reactions are automatically added under public wishes only.
  • $perstogglereact 2: ❤️ reactions are automatically added under ALL your rolls BUT you get only 7 base rolls per hour (before applied boosts).

These effects are only applied during high traffic hours. If you want to apply the effects for the whole day, add fullday after the command (can be combined with lock).

Related: $togglereact


Requirements: Player Premium II
Syntax: $haremcopy <other server ID>

This will copy your harem from another server (adding all the characters to your current harem, EXCEPT already claimed characters, custom characters and characters from the series Azur Lane, Arknights and Mahjong Soul). Nothing is removed from both servers.

  • This command needs the confirmation of the owner of the receiving server and is globally limited to one use per premium month.
  • The receiving server must have invited Mudae for the first time during the last 30 days. This command is for a fresh start on a new server.
  • To copy from a second instance, add .2 at the end of the ID.
Related: $soulcopy


Requirements: Player Premium II
Syntax: $kakeracopy <other server ID>

This command will give you the amount of kakera you have on another server (after conversion of the badges and towers) as well as your kakeraloot stuff (refunded if you already have loots on the new server). Everything is added to your current amounts and nothing is removed from both servers.

The transfer is limited to 10 million kakera. Event badges are also transferred with this command.

  • This command needs the confirmation of the owner of the receiving server and is globally limited to one use per premium month.
  • The receiving server must have invited Mudae for the first time during the last 30 days. This command is for a fresh start on a new server.
  • To copy from a second instance, add .2 at the end of the ID.



Requirements: Admin
Syntax: $forcedivorce <owned character>

This will force the divorce of an owned character (without giving kakera to the owner)


Requirements: Admin
Syntax: $cleanuser <user ID>

Divorce all the characters and clean the wishes of someone.

To get the Discord full ID, enable the developer mode in your Discord settings (appearance/behavior) then right click on their icon.

For yourself, use $cleanself.


Requirements: Admin
Syntax: $userdivorce <character>

Divorce the whole harem of the owner of a specified character.


Requirements: Admin
Syntax: $thanos <user full ID>

Randomly divorce half of the harem of someone.


Requirements: Admin

Divorce half of the harem of everyone in your server.

  • $thanosallfm: Divorce half of the harem of everyone in your server while not affecting the character placed at the first position of their harem.
  • $thanosall requiem: Divorce half of the harem of each player in the server; divorced characters give their kakera value to their owner.
  • $thanosall scrap: Divorce half of the harem of each player in the server; divorced characters give their kakera value to the server kakera scraps.


Requirements: Admin

Divorce all the characters of everyone in your server.

  • $bitesthedust requiem: Divorce all the characters of each player in the server; divorced characters give their kakera value to their owner.
  • $bitesthedust scrap: Divorce all the characters of each player in the server; divorced characters give their kakera value to the server kakera scraps.


Requirements: Admin

Clear notes of a user.


Requirements: Admin

Clear wishes of a user.


Requirements: Admin

Reset the set $alias of a user's characters.

  • $resetalias unclaimed: Reset $alias2 for all the unclaimed characters of your server


Requirements: Admin

Reset $alias2 of a user's characters.

  • $resetalias2 unclaimed: Reset $alias2 for all the unclaimed characters of your server
Related: $alias2


Requirements: Admin

Reset $changeimg of a user's characters.

  • $resetimg unclaimed: Reset $alias2 for all the unclaimed characters of your server
Related: $changeimg


Requirements: Admin

List of server-wide full reset commands.

  • $fullresetalias: reset all aliases to the default value. ($a)
  • $fullresetalias2: remove all the custom secondary aliases. ($a2)
  • $fullresetimg: reset all images positions to the default value. ($c)
  • $fullresetcustimg: remove all the custom images. ($ai)
  • $fullresetnoteimg: remove all image notes. ($ni)
  • $fullresetwishes: clean all character/series wishes.
  • $fullresetdisable: clean the disabled lists of all users.
  • $fullresetembedcolor: reset all the $embedcolor
  • $fullresetkeys: clean all the keys.
  • $fullresetchannelperms: reset all your $channeldeny, $channelrestrict and $setchannel
  • $fullresetroleperms: reset all your $deny, $restrict and $setpermission
  • $bitesthedust: divorce all characters.
  • $cleankakera everyone: refund all badges and remove all kakera to all players.
  • $klresetall: completely reset without refund all kakeraloots.
Related: $selfreset


Abbreviation: $lu

List of users who left the servers with characters/wishes/kakera.


Abbreviation: $rl

List of divorced characters by moderation commands ($bitesthedust, $forcedivorce, $cleanuser)

Characters divorced using $divorce and other personal divorces are not listed.

Use $rl <User ID> to see the corresponding # (for use with $restoreuser)


Requirements: Admin
Syntax: $restore <User ID> <Character>

Restore a character from the restorelist to its previous owner. For multiple characters or series, separate them with a $

  • $restoreseries <User ID> <series to restore from the $restorelist>
  • $restoreuser <User ID> <# of the entry in the $restorelist> to fully restore a specific entry for one user (characters are then erased from the $restorelist)


Requirements: Admin
Syntax: $channelrestrict <Command(s) to restrict to this channel, separated by a space>

This will disable those commands for ALL the channels BUT this one. To allow more channels, use the same syntax again in those channels.

Use $channelunrestrict <Command(s)> to remove the restriction (undo).

You can also specify a bundle of commands. List of available bundles:

  • allrolls: all marry rolls commands ($w, $h, $wg, $mk...)
  • allwaifu: all marryroulette related commands ($w, $im, $top...) except the commands restricted to moderator/admin/server owner by default
  • allmod: all the commands restricted to moderator/admin/server owner by default ($cleanuser...)
  • allpokeslot: all Pokéslot related commands.
  • allgames: side games of Mudae (quiz, teas, pokeduel, jankenpon)
  • allother: all side commands of Mudae ($quotimage, $42ball, $fate...)
  • allcommands: everything listed above.
Related article: Permissions


Requirements: Admin
Syntax: $channeldeny <Command(s) to disable for this channel, separated by a space>

This will disable those commands for this channel.

Use $channelallow <Command(s)> to enable them again (undo).

See above or the related article for the bundles of commands.

Related article: Permissions


Requirements: Admin
Syntax: $restrict <role ID> <command name>

After using this command, nobody will be able to use the command BUT the specified role and admins.

Get the Discord role ID by enabling the developer mode in your Discord settings (appearance), then right click on the role name. To add another role, use the command again.

$unrestrict <role ID> <command> to remove a restricted command for a role (undo).

See above or the related article for the bundles of commands.

Related article: Permissions


Requirements: Admin
Syntax: $deny <role ID> <command name>

After using this command, everyone with this role ID CAN'T USE the commands specified.

$allow <role ID> <command> to remove a denied command for a role (undo).

See above or the related article for the bundles of commands.

Related article: Permissions


Requirements: Owner

Use one of the syntaxes below to change how the bot answers when using a command disabled by $channelrestrict, $channeldeny, $restrict or $deny.

This command is limited to the server owner and can't be disabled nor restricted.

  • $togglesilent 0: (default value) When using a disabled command, the bot will send a message to tell you how the command is disabled.
  • $togglesilent 1: When using a disabled command, the bot will react with 🚫 instead of sending a message.
  • $togglesilent 2: When using a disabled command, the bot won't send a message nor react.


Requirements: Admin

Use this command to change specific permissions of some commands. For global permissions of all commands, use $restrict or $channeldisable instead.

  • $setpermission kakerarefund charowner => users can use $kakerarefund for themselves.
  • $setpermission addimg charowner => users can add new images with $addimg for characters they own.
  • $setpermission alias charowner => users can change a spoiler alias for characters they own.
  • $setpermission changeimg none => users can change the images of ALL the characters in the server. (Also available for $alias, $alias2 and $noteimg)
Related article: Permissions



Slash command: /settings

List of the server settings.


Change the bot's language:

  • $lang en for English
  • $lang fr for French
  • $lang pt-br for Portuguese-Brazilian
  • $lang es for Spanish
  • $lang de for German (deprecated).


Change the prefix that invokes Mudae.

Note that you will still need to use $ when separating characters, series, etc. (example: !wish Zero Two $ Rem)

If you change the prefix and then forget it, $prefix will always work.


Requirements: Admin
Syntax: $setrare <number between 1 and 10>

Change the spawn rarity of already claimed characters. A higher number means already claimed characters will spawn less often.

  • The probability to roll an already claimed character with a rarity 4 is equivalent to get 4 claimed characters in a row with a rarity 1.
  • The probability to spawn a kakera under a claimed character depends on how many claimed characters you spawn on average, so this command won't help you to get a lot more of kakera reactions.
  • Maximum value for non premium: 4
Related: $persrare


Requirements: Admin
Syntax: $settimer <Number of seconds during which you can claim a character or kakera after the spawn>

Change the number of seconds during which you can claim a character.

The minimum value is 10 and maximum value is 45. This value is automatically doubled for slash commands (if no one flooded too much between your rolls).


Requirements: Admin • Server Premium

Decrease (or increase if server premium) the number of rolls for the whole server.

Gamemode 1:

  • Maximum value for server premium II: $setrolls 18
  • Maximum value for server premium I: $setrolls 15
  • Maximum value for server not premium: $setrolls 10 ($setrolls 13 on some old servers)

Gamemode 2:

  • Maximum value for server premium II: $setrolls 13
  • Maximum value for server premium I: $setrolls 10
  • Maximum value for server not premium: $setrolls 8


  • Depending on your $togglereact and $perstogglereact options, this base value is lowered by 1 during high traffic hours, which is between 12pm UTC and 7am UTC (PST Time: 4am to 11pm)
  • By default, slash commands with buttons are not affected by rush hours.
  • Minimum value: $setrolls 2


Requirements: Admin • Server Premium
Syntax: $setclaim <number between 60 and 600>

Change the claim interval (down to one hour).


  • 120 = two hour interval between each claim (server premium I)
  • 60 = one hour interval between each claim (server premium II).
  • Values above 180 are available for everyone regardless of premium.


Requirements: Admin • Server Premium
Syntax: $setinterval <number between 1 and 60>

Change the exact minute of the claim and rolls reset.

With $setinterval 60, claims and rolls will be reset at rounded hours.


Requirements: Admin
Syntax: $shifthour <Number of hours to shift, between 0 and 2>

Shift the exact hour of the claim reset.

  • With $shifthour 1, your claim reset will be one hour later (= two hours sooner if you claim every 3 hours)
  • With $shifthour 2, your claim reset will be two hours later (= one hour sooner if you claim every 3 hours)

If your claim reset currently occurs at 10:20 => 13:20 => 16:20:

  • With $shifthour 1, it will be 11:20 => 14:20 => 17:20
  • With $shifthour 2 it will be 12:20 => 15:20 => 18:20


Requirements: Admin
Syntax: $haremlimit <value between 15 and 8100>

This will change the maximum number of characters the users can have in their harem by preventing them from claiming if they reached (or are already above) this limit.

Trades and gifts are not affected by the custom limit (they still cannot exceed the hard limit of 8100).


Requirements: Admin

Change whether reactions should be automatically added under the rolls during high traffic hours (4am to 11pm PST). With the default values, slash commands with buttons are not affected by rush hours.

This command affects everyone in your server and has a cooldown of 3 hours.

  • $togglereact 0: (default value) ❤️ reactions are only added under public wishes. To claim any other character, the user has to manually add any emoji.
  • $togglereact 1: ❤️ reactions and buttons are never automatically added under the rolls of characters.
  • $togglereact 2: ❤️ reactions are automatically added under the rolls of everyone BUT your server has only 7 base rolls per hour (before applied boosts).


  • Users will still be able to change this option for themselves with the command $perstogglereact UNLESS you force this option by adding lock after the command ($togglereact 0 lock)
  • These effects are only applied during high traffic hours. If you want to apply the effects for the whole day, add fullday after the command (can be combined with lock).


Requirements: Admin

Change the instance of this channel, creating a second server in your server.

Using this command will change the instance for the current channel. An instance is the same as a new server: use this command to make a fresh start of Mudae on some channels of your server. Your current data will still be available on other channels.

  • Your server settings will be automatically transferred at the creation of the new instance.
  • Some commands can be accessed from another instance: $mm.2, $pr.2, $im.2, $ima.2, $top.2, $mm serv <server ID>.2
  • Second instances ($channelinstance) can't be set to the default mode for regular servers.
Related article: Instances


Requirements: Admin

Change the game mode of Mudae.

Mode 1 is the default; use mode 2 to easily disable the less popular characters.

Related article: Gamemode


Requirements: Admin • Mode 2
Syntax: $servlimroul <$wa limit> <$ha limit> <$wg limit> <$hg limit>

Define the number of different characters you can roll in each roulette (by disabling the less popular characters) for your whole server.

This command can be overridden with individual users' $limroul.

Related: $limroul


Requirements: Admin

Toggle the display of various character stats during rolls.

  • $toggleclaimrolls: enable/disable the display of claim ranks during the rolls
  • $togglelikerolls: enable/disable the display of like ranks during the rolls
  • $togglekakerarolls: enable/disable the display of kakera during the rolls


Requirements: Admin

Disable hentai series for the whole server. This cannot be overridden, and these characters cannot be viewed at all.


Requirements: Admin

Disable disturbing/horror series for the whole server. This cannot be overridden, and these characters cannot be viewed at all.


Abbreviation: $sd
Syntax: $serverdisable <character or series name>

This will prevent the character or the series from rolling for the whole server (limited to 1000 characters).

  • To remove some characters from the list, use $serverenable <character or Series name>
  • To specify a character when a series shares the same name, use $sdc or $sec
  • $serverdisablelist ($sdl): see the current list
  • $serverenableall: clear the list


Requirements: Admin

Turn off (or back on) various ranking aspects for your server. This will turn off mentions of the rank (even in $im).

  • $toggleclaimrank: (MOD) Disable claim ranks for your server.
  • $togglelikerank: (MOD) Disable like ranks for your server.


Requirements: Admin

Change the possibility to claim on other players' rolls/wishes.

  • $togglesnipe 0: (default value, no restriction) Any character rolled can be sniped by anyone.
  • $togglesnipe 1: (partial restriction) When someone rolls a character they have in their character wishlist, this character can't be sniped for 8 seconds.
  • $togglesnipe 2: (full restriction) Any character rolled can't be sniped for 8 seconds.
  • $togglesnipe 3: (wish restriction 1) When someone rolls a WISHED character, this character can't be sniped for 8 seconds EXCEPT for people wishing for this character (AND the roller)
  • $togglesnipe 4: (wish restriction 2) When someone rolls a WISHED character, this character can't be sniped for 8 seconds EXCEPT for people wishing for this character (the roller CAN'T claim this character either, except if they wished for it)
  • $togglesnipe 5: (combined restriction 1) Any character rolled can't be sniped for 8 second(s) EXCEPT for people wishing for this character (AND the roller)
  • $togglesnipe 6: (combined restriction 2) Any character rolled can't be sniped for 8 second(s) EXCEPT for people wishing for this character (the roller CAN'T claim this wish except if they wished for it)

You can also add a second number to modify the 8 second default value. Wishseries aren't considered as wishes for this command.


Prevent people from reacting on kakera that appeared on the rolls of other users (sniping).

  • $togglekakerasnipe 0: (default value, no restriction) Any kakera rolled can be sniped by anyone.
  • $togglekakerasnipe 1: (partial restriction) Kakera rolled from $mk can't be sniped for 8 seconds.
  • $togglekakerasnipe 2: (full restriction) Any kakera rolled can't be sniped for 8 seconds.

You can also add a second number to modify the 8 second default value.


Enable or disable slash commands for your server (enabled by default).

See the related article for troubleshooting steps.

Related article: Slash Commands


Main article: Kakera


Abbreviation: $k
Slash command: /kakera

Tells you how to earn kakera in your server and your progression through Kakera Badges.

Buy badges with $bronze, $silver, $gold, $sapphire, $ruby, and $emerald.

Related article: Kakera, Kakera Badges


Abbreviation: $kr

Detailed rewards for the kakera badges.

Related article: Kakera Badges


Requirements: Admin
Syntax: $<badge>value = <value between 1000 and 100000>

Change the values of badges.

  • $bronzevalue
  • $silvervalue
  • $goldvalue
  • $sapphirevalue
  • $rubyvalue
  • $emeraldvalue


Abbreviation: $kt

List of floors for the kakera tower: spend kakera and unlock more perks.

  • $build <floor>: ($b) Choose a perk and build a floor for the kakera tower.
  • $destroy: Restart the kakera tower with a refund of the invested kakera.
Related article: Kakera Tower


Requirements: Admin
Syntax: $towervalue <value between 5000 and 50000>

This will change the base value for the $kakeratower floors.

Example: if you change this value to 5000, the first floor will cost 5000 Kakera, then each floor will be incremented by this base value (the 2nd floor will cost 10000, the 3rd 15000...)


Information about kakeraloots rewards and commands.

Related article: Kakera Loots


Abbreviation: $kl

Spend kakera for a random lootbox. You can roll up to 10 at a time ($kl 10).


Your list of kakeraloot rewards.


Abbreviation: $ku

Time left before you can react again to a kakera.

Related: $timersup


Abbreviation: $dk
Slash command: /dk

Earn a random amount of kakera everyday.

  • With Gold IV Gold IV, it refreshes your reaction power.
  • With more Mudapins, you earn more kakera from this command.
Related article: Kakera


Abbreviation: $tsk

Kakera server ladder, showing total earned kakera as well as current kakera.

Related: $topserv


Abbreviation: $givek
Slash command: /kakera givek
Syntax: $givek <@user> <number>

Give kakera to someone.

Related: $give


Syntax: $kakeradm <number between 0 and 2>

Get a DM or don't be mentioned for Bronze/Silver/Emerald bonuses.

  • $kakeradm 0: when you get kakera from a Bronze/Silver/Emerald IV bonus, you will be pinged in the channel (default option)
  • $kakeradm 1: when you get kakera from a Bronze/Silver/Emerald IV bonus, you will only be notified by DM
  • $kakeradm 2: you won't be notified anymore when you get kakera from a Bronze/Silver/Emerald IV bonus
Related: $wishdm


Requirements: Premium
Slash command: /mk

Roll a claimed character with a kakera reaction. This kind of roll will not reward keys or the gold key bonus (if you roll your own character).

Related: $marry


Requirements: Admin

Enable/disable the different means of collecting kakera, or turn the system off entirely.

  • $togglekakeraserver: disable/enable the kakera system in your server
  • $togglekakeradivorce: disable/enable the kakera system when using $divorce (characters don't give kakera anymore when divorced)
  • $togglekakeraclaim: disable/enable the involvement of ranks by claims in the calculation of kakera (mostly when using $divorce)
  • $togglekakeralike: disable/enable the involvement of ranks by likes in the calculation of kakera (mostly when using $divorce)
  • $togglekakerareact: disable/enable the kakera reactions on rolls
  • $togglekakeratrade: enable/disable the kakera trading for your server
  • $togglekakeradaily: disable/enable the $dailykakera command for your server
Related: $togglerolls


Requirements: Admin
Abbreviation: $modclean kakerarefund <@user>
Syntax: $kakerarefund <@user>

This will refund all the kakera this user invested in kakera badges (kakera badge levels will drop to 0)

  • Use $setpermission kakerarefund charowner to allow users to refund themselves.
  • You can also use $kakerarefundall to refund all users.


Abbreviation: $modclean kakerarefund <@user> <number>
Syntax: $kakeraremove <@user> <number>

This will remove a certain number of kakera from the user (and add the same amount to the server kakera scraps, retrievable with the admin command $givescrap). Kakera cannot be a negative value.

  • $kakeraremoveall: remove a certain amount of kakera from all users
Related: $cleankakera


Requirements: Owner

Completely erase the kakeraloots of someone without refunding.


Display the amount of server kakera scraps.

Related article: Kakera


Requirements: Admin
Syntax: $givescrap @someone 1000

Give kakera (from kakera scraps) to someone.


Displays key information, rewards, and commands.

Related: $embedcolor
Related article: Keys


Abbreviation: $bku

How many kakera you can earn from keys LVL 6 before the next reset.

Related: $timersup


Requirements: Owner
Abbreviation: $rk
Syntax: $removekeys <character> $ <number of keys to remove>

Remove a certain amount of keys for a character. (Not soulkeys)

Limited to the character owner or server owner.


Your list of Soulmates (any characters you've earned at least 10 keys on in any server). This is a global list.

  • $ssl: Sort your Soulmate list.
  • $nsl: Note your Soulmates.
  • $rsl: Rename your Soulmate list.
  • $csl: Change the main image of your Soulmate list.
  • $asl: Change the alias of one of your Soulmates for your Soulmate list.
  • $fnsl: Find a note in your Soulmate list.
  • $divorcesl: Divorce a Soulmate.
  • $colorsl: Change the embed color (side line) of your $sl. Unlocked with $kt

Along with the usual Flags, you can also use $sld- to hide duplicate characters on your soulmate list.

Related article: Soulmates for more information about soulmates, Flags for more ways to filter and sort a list of characters


Syntax: $soulcopy <character from your $sl>

This will copy a character from your Soulmate list to your harem on a new server (where you use the command).

  • The character cannot be claimed yet on the receiving server.
  • The receiving server must have invited Mudae for the first time within one month.
  • The owner of the receiving server needs to accept the command.
  • Minimum time between two transfers of the same character: 30 days.
Related: $haremcopy
Related article: Soulmates



Abbreviation: $s
Slash command: /commandsearch
Syntax: $search <keyword>

The most helpful command. It allows you to learn more about a command, or look for a command you don't know. given certain keywords.


DMs an embed with a command list (just like this article).

  • $channelhelp: Displays the embedded help in the channel instead of in a DM.


Abbreviation: $miscellaneous join

Link to join Mudae on her server Mudae World and get more information.


Slash command: /miscellaneous invite

Link to invite Mudae to another server.


Slash command: /miscellaneous patreon
Syntax: miscellaneous patreon

Help Mudae improve its features.

Related article: Premium


Abbreviation: $miscellaneous myid

Get the ID of your account and your server.


Abbreviation: $miscellaneous date

Display the current date and time.


Main article: Arena


Main article: Pokéslot


Main article: Tea


Turn-based word game inspired by bombparty.


Find any word, quickly.


Find the longest word.


Find the largest number of words.


A mix of all the previous teas.


Multiplayer game, answer a few random questions or rebus.

  • $quizrank: Global ladder for the $quiz game.
Related article: MudaQuiz


Syntax: $jankenpon <@user>

Rock-paper-scissors by affinity.

Related article: Jan-ken-pon


Syntax: $pokeduel <@user>

Start a pokeduel.



  • $quote: Random quote from anime.
  • $quotimage: Random quote followed by a random image. Then, imagine the story...
  • $mudanime: Random phrases inspired by known animes.
  • $wife: Try it?
  • $rdmperso: Random character from
  • $rdmpokemon: Random Pokémon.
  • $searchpkm: Search for a Pokémon in the pokedex


  • Use $noun, $adverb, $adject, $vrb in your sentences to add a random word.
  • $phrase: Random sentence
  • $poem: Random poem
  • $say <text to repeat>
  • $invert <text to invert>


  • $cdn <number>
  • $kirby <number>
  • $kirchoco <number>
  • $tea <number>
  • $chocoshark <number>
  • $bear <number>
  • $eater <number>
  • $beam <emoji or text>: Blow up what you hate.

Customized countdowns:

  • $customcd <number> <content> <content to repeat> <content> <optional end>
  • $cdspe1 <number> <content to repeat> <content> <optional end>
  • $cdspe2 <number> <content> <content to repeat> <optional end>


  • $fate <@mention>: Describes the trend between you and the mentioned user.
  • $42ball <text>: Answers to your yes or no questions.


  • $alea <number>: Random number
  • $rdmcountry: Random country
  • $invent: Invented word


  • $wiki: Wikipedia search
  • $def <word>: Definition search


  • $star <mention>
  • $lol
  • $lmfao
  • $omg
  • $pervert
  • $takaché
  • $takawai
  • $nanachi
  • $secret
  • $avatar <user>
  • $embedimg <image link>
  • $embedtxt <text>