Gamemodes, also called simply modes, are different settings for Mudae which primarily concern the number of rollable characters, how disabling works, and the command $limroul.
Mode 1 is the default, but any server can be changed to Mode 2 using the command $gamemode 2. You can also start a new instance that is set in Mode 2.
The primary feature of Mode 2 is the ability to limit your rolls to a certain number of characters in each roulette ($wa, $ha, $wg, and $hg). Using the command $limroul, you can disable all but the most popular characters in each roulette based on their claim ranks.
This number changes based on the roulette:
Roulette | Type of characters | Minimum # of characters (no upgrades) |
Minimum # of characters (with upgrades) |
$wa | Waifus in animanga | 7000 | 2000 |
$ha | Husbandos in animanga | 7000 | 2000 |
$wg | Waifus in games | 4000 | 2000 |
$hg | Husbandos in games | 4000 | 2000 |
The 7000 7000 4000 4000 numbers are the default minimum number of characters you can have in each roulette, if the player does not have any upgrades.
The minimum number of characters can be reduced further to reach 2000 2000 2000 2000 by using Kakera Tower, Kakera Loots, or Player Premium.
To set the minimum limits, you can use the command $limroul 1 1 1 1 and it will default to the minimum amount of characters in each roulette.
Note: These minimums do NOT mean that you will only roll characters below rank #7000 or rank #4000. They mean that you will only roll the 7000 most popular animanga waifus and 4000 most popular game husbandos, etc.
To view the lowest ranked character in each roulette you can roll, use the command $limroul on its own and view the bottom of the resulting message. The Global rankings for each roulette are the lowest ranked characters you can roll. For example, if the lowest ranked $wg you can roll is #20392, you can roll any waifu in the game roulette with a rank higher than that (there are 4000). A waifu with rank #15000 would be enabled, and a waifu with rank #30000 would be disabled.
The admin version of this command, $servlimroul, can be used to set limits for everyone, though it doesn't overwrite limits for players already using $limroul.
Disabling and antidisabling[]
Unlike in gamemode 1, a large disablelist will not improve your odds in gamemode 2. In fact, for each character you disable in gamemode 2, you will enable another less popular character so that there are always the same number of characters enabled in each roulette. (Disabling characters below your current $limroul settings - those that are already disabled by limroul - will not enable more characters.)
Since disabling characters doesn't help your gameplay, the primary reason to disable something in gamemode 2 is if you personally don't want to see it. You can disable as many series as you want, though there is still a minimum number of characters you can have in each roulette (the 7000, 7000, 4000, and 4000 numbers mentioned above).
If you want to enable more characters that are not popular enough for the limits of 7000, 7000, 4000, and 4000 characters, you can bypass limroul in the following ways:
- $adc <character name>: make an individual character rollable, no matter what your limroul is
- $antidisable <series name>: make an entire series rollable
- $wish <character name>: wish a character and allow it to become rollable
- $wishseries <series name> (premium only): wish an entire series and make it rollable
Making these characters rollable doesn't disable any characters. It only adds onto your current pool, which worsens your odds. However, it is still better than not using $limroul at all.
Other information[]
- Changing your gamemode does not refresh your progress; nothing is divorced and nothing is lost. Your $disablelist and/or $limroul from the other gamemode is still saved; if you switch back, everything is how it was.
- The base number of rolls in mode 2 is only 8, since by default it takes less rolls to roll any given character.
- $togglewestern isn't used in mode 2, since disablelists have unlimited slots and all of the Western bundle can be disabled; same with $toggleirl.
- $serverdisable doesn't follow the same rules as normal disabling. It doesn't enable any more characters for the server.
- The third perk of the Kakera Tower is changed to allow a player to lower their limroul pools by 200 $wa, 200 $ha, 100 $wg, 100 $hg instead of increasing the size of their disablelist.
- The Kakera Loots disablelist perk is changed to allow a player to lower their limroul pool by 3 $wa, 3 $ha, 2 $wg, and 2 $hg.
- Custom characters don't have a rank and are unaffected by $limroul, so they can always be rolled.
Change History[]
Date | Update |
April 14, 2020 | Gamemode 2 was announced. |
April 29, 2020 | Gamemode 2 was introduced to all servers. |
February, 2021 | The lowest limit of $limroul was increased from 1000 to 2000. |
March 5, 2021 | Kakera Tower was introduced, allowing players a different way to improve their $limroul or $disable capacity. This is also the first way Mode 1 players could get more slots without paying for Premium. |
December 18, 2021 | The limit of $disable in Mode 1 was increased due to the character update: +500 characters. |
December 24, 2021 | The limit of $disable in Mode 2 was decreased, meaning players could no longer disable as many individual series. |
April 2, 2022 | The limit of $disable in Mode 1 was increased due to the character update: +500 characters. |
July 28, 2022 | The limit of $disable in Mode 1 was increased due to the character update: +500 characters. |
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Games | Pokéslot · Tea · MudaQuiz · Jan-ken-pon · Arena (Mudae GM) |