Mudae Wiki
"I'm suprised you know such useless things."
This page relies on facts that are only relevant to the Discord server Mudae World. The information found here is solely available for the entertainment of its members. It is subject to being updated forever, without knowing a clear end point.

The custom-suggestions section of the of the Mudae World server was added on the 14th of January 2019 to account for the (server specific) custom characters feature.

It has since been replaced with the custom-character-of-the-month-section in which people may vote for their favorite suggestion once a month (which is currently not in use).

In this section people may suggest characters specific to that server's rolls in the format:

Type of roulette:
Imgur link:
Source: [optional]

List of Mudae World-Specific Characters:[]

Mudae World Custom Character list
Name Gender Description Image
Astolfo Real Girl Female Added mostly likely to wind up a mudaeworld user known as "Humza".
Astolfo real girl1
Christina T. Female From the 2020 Christmas Event.
Christina T
Christmas Sushi! Both As it sounds
Christmas Sushi1
Christmas Tree Destroyer Both A catto
Christmas Tree Destroyer1
DIO 2 Male For those who can't get enough Dio.
Custom DIO1
Elon-chan Male Elon Musk.
Evil Pumpkin Male From the 2019 Halloween Event
Festive Nova Female From the 2020 Christmas Event.
Festive Nova1
Foobs Both Creation of user OutofDepth. Badly photo-manipulated fish with breasts.
FBI Male The Lolice.
Freyja Female A catto.
Freyja (Custom)1
Frick Female A Mudae World mod.
Frickmas Female From the 2020 Christmas Event.
Hiigs Male Mudae World chat regular.
Kakera-chan Female Moe kakera. The object of lust and greed.
King Crimson Both Jojo Stands aren't allowed in the bot, so this would only work as a custom.
King Crimson1
Kingdom Hearts Both The result of a contest win. Kingdom Hearts in the literal sense.
Kingdom Hearts1
Lord GabeN Male The person... I guess?
Lord GabeN1
Mudae Female If you don't know what this is how are you here?
Yuki Nagato1
Mary Noel Female From the 2020 Christmas Event.
Mary Noel1
Mudae World Christmas Party Female From the 2020 Christmas Event.
Mudae World Christmas Party1
Mudae World Halloween Party Both From the 2019 Halloween Event
Mystery Moustache Man Male One specific character is banned from the bot. This, however, is "not" that character.
Mystery Moustache Man1
natruto Male Server meme.
Nikki Kim Female The OC of chat regular, Hob.
Nikki Kim1
Padoru Female She spins.
Ricardo Milos (custom) Male Added in mudaeworld with irl images before he was available globally.
Ricardo Milos (Custom)1
Sayaman Both Our god.
Slinky Male An ugly doggo.
Slinky (Custom)1
Sniper-chan Female Here to steal yo girl.
Todochu Both Creation of user Umber. A mudaeworld Halloween event character.
Ugly Gift Both The highest level of image suggest p a i n.
Ugly Gift1
Uh Oh It's Those Three Again Both From the 2019 Halloween Event
Waluigi gets custody of his children & pays taxes Both Waluigi does what Yoshi couldn't.
Waluigi gets custody of his children and pays his taxes1
woofy man Male VC regular
Woofy man1

