Mudae Wiki
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Boostkakera and boostwish are features in Mudae. They allow for users to exchange permanent rolls in exchange for more frequent kakera spawns, increased kakera earned from reactions, or increased wish spawn rate.

Stacked rolls ($us) from Kakera Loots are not affected by the extra kakera reactions in boostkakera, or the increased spawn rate in boostwish. However, they are affected by the increased kakera earned from boostkakera.

You can only exchange bonus rolls earned from upgrades (see Additional rolls).

The changes you make using $boostkakera and $boostwish are NOT automatically reset or undone when the cooldown timer is done, nor at any other time. They remain in effect until you set them otherwise.



Abbreviation: $bk
Syntax: $boostkakera <number of rolls to invest>

Each roll invested gives +4% kakera when you react on any kakera reaction (decreased to +2% after 5 rolls invested and +1% after 15 rolls invested). This bonus is doubled for $mk. +1% chance to spawn a kakera under already claimed characters. +0.5% $bku limit.

This command defines the total number of rolls per hour you lose in exchange for kakera bonuses (you can reset to the default value with $bk 0). The maximum is your bonus rolls displayed with $bonus

The cooldown is 12 hours for lowering your invested rolls. $us rolls DON'T spawn more kakera reactions.
For more infos, type $bk info
To display values only, type $bkx


Kakera spawns are determined by a variable number referred to "ratio," which is symbolic of the ratio of claimed to unclaimed characters. This number determines IF a kakera will spawn under an already claimed character.

Your ratio increases by 1 each time you spawn an unclaimed character and decreases by 1 each time you spawn an already claimed character, unless your current ratio is -4 and you spawn an unclaimed character, in which case the ratio increases by 2. You can check your ratio with $bk info.

The current ratio when you spawn a claimed character determines whether a kakera spawns:

Ratio Chance of kakera spawn
+1 or 0 100%
-1 80%
-2 60%
-3 40%
-4 20%

The ratio is reset at each rolls reset.


Main article: Boost/Kakera

The amount of kakera increases with each roll exchanged, with each roll after the 15th granting +1% kakera from reactions:

Rolls invested Kakera increase Total kakera increase
1 +4% +4%
2 +4% +8%
3 +4% +12%
4 +4% +16%
5 +4% +20%
6 +2% +22%
7 +2% +24%
8 +2% +26%
9 +2% +28%
10 +2% +30%
11 +2% +32%
12 +2% +34%
13 +2% +36%
14 +2% +38%
15 +2% +40%
16 +1% +41%
17 +1% +42%
18 +1% +43%
19 +1% +44%
20 +1% +45%


See also: [[Kakera/Spawn]]

The effect of $boostkakera depends on how many claimed characters are in your pool (enabled characters that are in your roulette).

The following tables are randomly generated and represent potential outcomes while rolling, based on your $bk and chance of rolling a claimed character.

More examples can be found on the page Kakera/Spawn.

Chance of rolling a claimed character: 50%
$bk level: 0 rolls invested

Roll Claimed or Unclaimed Ratio Kakera Spawn
1 Unclaimed 0
2 Unclaimed 1
3 Claimed 1 Kakera
4 Unclaimed 0
5 Claimed 1 Kakera
6 Claimed 0 Kakera
7 Claimed -1 Kakera
8 Claimed -2 None
9 Unclaimed -3
10 Claimed -2 Kakera
11 Unclaimed -3
12 Unclaimed -2
13 Unclaimed -1
14 Unclaimed 0
15 Unclaimed 1
Increased kakera from $bk: +0%

Chance of rolling a claimed character: 50%
$bk level: 40 rolls invested

Roll Claimed or Unclaimed Ratio Kakera Spawn
1 Claimed 0 Kakera
2 Claimed -1 Kakera
3 Claimed -2 Kakera
4 Claimed -3 Kakera
5 Claimed -4 Kakera
6 Claimed -4 None
7 Unclaimed -4
8 Unclaimed -2
9 Unclaimed -1
10 Claimed 0 Kakera
11 Claimed -1 Kakera
12 Claimed -2 Kakera
13 Claimed -3 Kakera
14 Unclaimed -4
15 Claimed -2 Kakera
Increased kakera from $bk: +65%



Abbreviation: $bw
Syntax: $boostwish <number of rolls to invest>

Each roll invested gives a bonus of +20% for the spawn of your wishes (decreased to +15% after 5 rolls invested, +10% after 15, +5% after 100, +1% after 200) AND, in addition, +10% for the spawn of your $starwish (decreased to +5% after 100 rolls invested, +1% after 200)

This command defines the total number of rolls per hour you lose in exchange for wish spawn bonuses (you can reset to the default value with $bw 0). The maximum is your bonus rolls displayed with $bonus, minus your rolls invested in $bk

The cooldown is 12 hours for lowering your invested rolls. $us rolls are NOT boosted.
Reminder: +100% means wishes will appear twice more, +200% means three times more, and so on.
To display values only, type $bwx

It should be noted that while boosting your wish spawn rate gives a greater chance to spawn your claimed characters in any given roll, having more rolls can result in:

  • More keys overall
  • More kakera from $bku if your characters have gold keys
  • More chances to spawn any character you like, even if it's not on your $wishlist


Main article: Boost/Wish

Each roll exchanged increases the spawn of wishes and $firstwish:

Rolls invested Added $wl spawn Total $wl spawn Total $fw spawn Total $fw spawn
(incl. $wl spawn)
1 +20% +20% +10% +30%
2 +20% +40% +20% +60%
3 +20% +60% +30% +90%
4 +20% +80% +40% +120%
5 +20% +100% +50% +150%
6 +15% +115% +60% +175%
7 +15% +130% +70% +200%
8 +15% +145% +80% +225%
9 +15% +160% +90% +250%
10 +15% +175% +100% +275%
11 +15% +190% +110% +300%
12 +15% +205% +120% +325%
13 +15% +220% +130% +350%
14 +15% +235% +140% +375%
15 +15% +250% +150% +400%
16 +10% +260% +160% +420%
17 +10% +270% +170% +440%
18 +10% +280% +180% +460%
19 +10% +290% +190% +480%
20 +10% +300% +200% +500%


See Boost/Wish § Examples for a comparison at different investment levels.

Change History[]

Date Update
September 12, 2022 $boostkakera and $boostwish were introduced.
September 13, 2022
  • $boostkakera was buffed from the ratio values of 100, 75, 50, 35, 20 to 100, 80, 60, 40, 20. As well, rolling an unclaimed character with ratio -4 would result in +2 being added to the ratio instead of +1.
  • $boostwish was buffed from the spawn rate bonuses of +12%, +9%, +5%, +5% to +20%, +15%, +10%, +10%.

